Just as it has happened to you, to many of us too, in my case it is my grandmother with more than 90 years old, who basically is disconnected from reality and sometimes does not remember where she is, at least she takes her pills and medicines quietly, but that kind of things like the cup in the oven is very possible that she does it, patience and dedication to these people is the important thing.
Seeing all that in a movie helps somehow to understand everything and to know that it is something we can't avoid.
Best regards
It is part of life, but once a doctor told me here on hive, that most senile dementia cases are usually some undetected neuronal disease that just bogged off the radar, totally unaware of the consequences of it, until it explodes big time with a dramatic entry, so maybe she is right, and these cases could be detected with time, maybe even treated, something that we will see in the next generation of medicine, I hope.