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Can someone please explain what the hell is going on with marvel? Anybody?
Oh well...if you've seen this movie then you get exactly what I'm talking about. But if you haven't then you have to see it, I bet you'd be almost as amazed as I am right now.
Stay tuned.
Possible spoliers ahead. Be warned!!
¿Puede alguien explicar qué demonios está pasando con marvel? ¿Alguien?
Oh bueno... si has visto esta película entonces entiendes exactamente de lo que estoy hablando. Pero si no lo has hecho entonces tienes que verla, apuesto a que estarías casi tan asombrado como yo ahora mismo.
Manténgase en sintonía.*
Posible spoliers por delante. ¡Atención!

The last marvel movie I saw was Dr Strange, most of us agree that it is a cinematic work of art. I'm a little guilty of starting this film with high expectations but I can't be blamed for this, I mean it's Marvel we are talking about.
I read reviews of some recently released marvel series that weren't great and most of them complained about how marvel seems to be losing its touch. I didn't understand this then but after seeing this movie, it now makes total sense.
Thor has been one of my marvel superhero favourites. I've seen single thor movies and also seen him in action while fighting alongside the other avengers. My admiration for this character took a good number of years to build only for everything to crumble while I was watching Love and Thunder.
I can only hope that this isn't permanent because if it is, then I'd truly be thormatized😓.
La última película de marvel que vi fue Dr. Strange, la mayoría coincidimos en que es una obra de arte cinematográfica. Soy un poco culpable de empezar esta película con altas expectativas pero no se me puede culpar por ello, quiero decir que es una Marvel de la que estamos hablando.
Leí críticas de algunas series marvel recién estrenadas que no eran geniales y la mayoría se quejaban de que marvel parece estar perdiendo su toque. En ese momento no lo entendí, pero después de ver esta película, ahora tiene todo el sentido.
Thor ha sido uno de mis superhéroes favoritos de marvel. He visto películas individuales de thor y también lo he visto en acción luchando junto a los otros vengadores. Mi admiración por este personaje tardó un buen número de años en construirse sólo para que todo se desmoronara mientras veía Amor y Trueno.
Sólo puedo esperar que esto no sea permanente porque si lo es, entonces estaría verdaderamente thormatizado😓.
General analysis/Análisis general

They tweaked the marvel intro tune for this film. It sounded like the rock version of the original tune and it wasn't bad at all. I enjoyed it but it was just the first in the series of surprises that the film contained.
The movie started with Korg, the stone man, narrating the story of Thor to some children. The narration was a little confusing, it made me wonder if there was a part of the previous stories I had missed.
There were a lot of ridiculous scenes in the film. I read that this movie was a collab between Marvel and Disney so I wonder if the entire ridiculousness was an attempt to make it as pg-13 as possible. In my opinion, most of those scenes were unnecessary and it would've been better to stick to the normal marvel protocol for stunts and special effects.
Retocaron la melodía de la introducción de Marvel para esta película. Sonaba como la versión rockera de la melodía original y no estaba nada mal. La disfruté pero fue sólo la primera de la serie de sorpresas que contenía la película.
La película empezó con Korg, el hombre de piedra, narrando la historia de Thor a unos niños. La narración fue un poco confusa, me hizo preguntarme si había una parte de las historias anteriores que me había perdido.
Había muchas escenas ridículas en la película. Leí que esta película era una colaboración entre Marvel y Disney, así que me pregunto si toda la ridiculez era un intento de hacerla lo más pg-13 posible. Sin embargo, en mi opinión, la mayoría de esas escenas eran innecesarias y hubiera sido mejor ceñirse al protocolo normal de marvel para las acrobacias y los efectos especiales.

ridiculousness exhibit A/exhibición de ridiculez A😂
A lot of things were confusing. One of them is the whole thing with Jane Foster being the mighty thor. It made no sense to me. This single occurrence in the film birthed a lot of other reservations I currently have. I just wonder if making a female equal to the male heroes is something they plan to normalize.
Another thing that got flushed down the toilet besides my aforementioned admiration of thor is my long-standing fascination with Greek mythology. This film portrayed the gods as mindless, cowardly individuals and not as the mighty, all-powerful beings we've all been made to believe they are.
Something else I can't seem to wrap my head around is how Thor and Val were able to wield Zeus' lightning bolt with ease. I get that Thor is strong but I do not think that he is stronger than the Mighty Zeus. This movie paints a different picture though.
Muchas cosas fueron confusas. Una de ellas es todo el asunto de que Jane Foster sea el poderoso Thor. No tenía sentido para mí. Esta sola ocurrencia en la película hizo nacer un montón de otras reservas que tengo actualmente. Me pregunto si hacer que una mujer sea igual a los héroes masculinos es algo que piensan normalizar.
Otra cosa que se fue por el retrete, además de mi mencionada admiración por Thor, es mi antigua fascinación por la mitología griega. Esta película retrató a los dioses como individuos descerebrados y cobardes y no como los seres poderosos y omnipotentes que nos han hecho creer que son.
Otra cosa que no consigo entender es cómo Thor y Val pudieron blandir el rayo de Zeus con facilidad. Entiendo que Thor es fuerte, pero no creo en absoluto que sea más fuerte que el poderoso Zeus. Sin embargo, esta película pinta una imagen diferente.

Despite all the downsides, there are still things about it to commend, fortunately. The cast did a great job, both the adults and the children. The only problem I seem to have with the film is the script but besides that, the performance was excellent.
The graphics were great too despite some overly exaggerated stunts. The use of colours was very intentional and managed to pass the message across. With the help of the colours, it was easy to differentiate the realms they were in.
When they entered the shadow realm it became black and white conveying the evil that lies within the place. The villain's performance was good too. His need for vengeance was understandable, and his back story was well developed so I wasn't left wondering why he did what he did.
A pesar de todos los inconvenientes, todavía hay cosas que elogiar, afortunadamente. El reparto hizo un gran trabajo, tanto los adultos como los niños. El único problema que parece tener la película es el guión, pero aparte de eso, la actuación fue excelente.
Los gráficos también eran geniales a pesar de algunas acrobacias demasiado exageradas. El uso de los colores fue muy intencionado y consiguió transmitir el mensaje. Con la ayuda de los colores, era fácil diferenciar los reinos en los que estaban.
Cuando entraron en el reino de las sombras, se convirtió en blanco y negro, transmitiendo el mal que hay en ese lugar. La actuación del villano también fue buena. Su necesidad de venganza era comprensible, y su historia de fondo estaba bien desarrollada, por lo que no me quedé preguntando por qué hizo lo que hizo.
Conclusion and rating/Conclusión y valoración

Thor: Love and Thunder is worth giving a chance despite all the cons I mentioned. It was entertaining and some scenes even made me laugh. A dose of comedy, no matter how little, is always welcome.
If you haven't seen it I suggest you do, considering the possibility that we may have different perspectives on the film.
I rate it a 6 out of 10 .
Vale la pena darle una oportunidad a Thor: Amor y Trueno a pesar de todos los contras que he mencionado. Fue entretenida y algunas escenas incluso me hicieron reír. Una dosis de comedia, por pequeña que sea, siempre es bienvenida.
Si no la has visto te sugiero que lo hagas, teniendo en cuenta la posibilidad de que tengamos diferentes perspectivas sobre la película.
Yo la califico con un 6 de 10 .
Thanks for reading!!/¡Gracias por leer!❤️

I don't have a problem with that part. But interchangeable genders (having someone be male in one movie and female in the next) would be pretty bad, considering that even changing the actor / actress can have a huge impact on the viewer's connection to a character. If it's a series or a world, keep it as consistent as possible.
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I agree🙂.
Inconsistency makes people lose interest.
Thanks a lot🤗
My pleasure :)
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I can understand the whole mythological inaccuracies in movies. Thor is a Norse god while Zeus is a Greek god so it doesn't really make sense to see them together. Still, that doesn't really spoil things for me because the people in charge know these things but wanted to make the movie much more "dramatic" I guess. Am I defending the film? Oh not in the least. Truth is I haven't even seen this film because I've just been disappointed with what Marvel has been dishing out. I don't know about you but I really did not like Multiverse of Madness and I wish I can get back the time I spent to see it. If you compare that movie to the original Doctor Strange, you'd know that it lags behind so much. The MCU needs some fresh creativity. Maybe I should reach out to them and help them with some fresh ideas. 😆
I had no idea Thor was a Norse god lol.
Well, I wasn't disappointed in Marvel until I saw this film. I didn't see the original Doctor Strange so I don't have a mental picture of what it was like. I trust your judgement though so it was probably better than the multiverse one like you said.
Reaching out to them doesn't sound like a bad idea lol, at this point anything that isn't what they are making us watch these days is very welcome😏
Es buena, pero el universo Marvel ha cambiado en los últimos años, eso de los chiste no me convenció, sabemos que anteriormente eran películas con algún contenido gracioso, pero ahora quieren abusar de eso y creo que no esta bien. Esperemos que mejoren y vuelvan a su esencia.
Saludos y muy buena publicacion.
Sí, realmente espero que hagan algo al respecto. Perderán muchos fans si no lo hacen. Es como si la muerte de la mayoría de los vengadores estuviera haciendo que todos los demás se vuelvan locos lol.
¡Muchas gracias por participar, saludos!
Hmm I read the opening paragraph and skipped to the end as I don't want to read a spoiler or two Kamara
A score of 6/10 is not too good, as I am rare film watcher, that will go to the rainy day pile!
Excellent plan😁
I'd like to know what you think whenever the rainy thor day comes lol🤗👋
hehe if and when that rainy thor day comes, you shall be the second person to know!
hahahahaha... I loved it! I know, I know... it was not what we have come to expect...and it was so spoofy !LOLZ... but I laughed so hard during this film... I went knowing it was a spoof film though so I was in the right frame of mind. I think if I had gone expecting a Dr. Strange... then I would have been like.... say whaaaaat???? and probably been quite disappointed. having said that, I think that spoof films like this should be the exception as Marvel has spent a considerable amount of time building their brand in film too and they should look to protect that. Great review though! Hey can I ask... what code do you use to split the page in two like that? Do you have a link to how to do it? !PIZZA !ALIVE
Luckily I Noah guy.
Credit: happyme
Have you tried the !gif !lolz !meme combo? It is a wall of fun!
(3/4)@kamarah, I sent you an on behalf of @samsmith1971
😂😂 nice one!
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Your comment made me laugh 😂😂
The movie really was funny or in your words "spoofy" lol, I think I was a little disappointed because I had high expectations but it was entertaining nonetheless😊
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Thanks for stopping by Sam...I've sorta missed you lol❤️
Yeah, it was a fun film!! 🤣 Spoofy because it had elements of Harry potter in it and like the cocktail bar from the Tom Cruise film, Cocktail... that was on the ship !LOLZ... I am sure there were a few more...
Thanks so much for the help re the markdown... I had no idea I could do that hahaha... see I just never asked anyone before 😂💗 I will definitely try that...
And I miss you too!! I am trying to get around to reading everyone... Shove a message or post a link in my DM if I haven't visited your blog in any given week... I am sometimes pulled this way and that... but I love reading you... 💗🙏 I need to streamline and reduce the number of notifications that I get from Gina and Friday !LOLZ !LUV
Anytime Sam, I'm glad you asked😘. I didn't know I could do that either until recently.
I'll be sure to reach out whenever for a visit, Thanks for even considering it🙃
Honestly, people are writing so much more these days too... I cannot keep up... hahaha.
Thanks for the tips too🤗
!HBIT that's the only tip command I can use now lol😘
hehe, I think you can use !LUV too... how are you doing?... your blog seems quiet. Been busy? I came to visit !LOLZ 💗 Hope everything is ok and you are just taking a breather 🤗 Let me know when you start posting again so I don't miss out hehe... oh, and dreem-wotw submission day tomorrow if you're interested xx
He had no chance against all 5 of us.
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@cryptoshots.nft 🔫 3D Shooter LIVE on Hive. Play and earn DOOM!!
(4/4)@kamarah, I sent you an on behalf of @samsmith1971
Hey Sam!!!🙃🤗
I'm doing okay and everything is okay. I started this course a while ago, that and other offline activities have kept me away from my beloved hive. I'm not done with it though so I can't promise I'll resume hiving fully at the moment. I hope I get a breather from the course so I can hive or I'll just figure out a way to efficiently do both at the same time.
I've missed a lot of things in my absence, the dreem-wotw included. I hope it went great, I trust that the dreemers came through with great posts as always.
How have you been?? How are the boys? Y'all are doing great I hope🙃
I'll be sure to let you know when I resume posting again.
I totally appreciate your visit and !LUV you for it (hopefully it works lol)
Thanks a lottt Sam❤️
Yay! 🤗
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Me pareció una película tonta pero entretenida, sus defectos son abundantes y le falta muchísimo enfoque, destaco la música y uno que otro chiste.
Esto es cierto lol.
Supongo que no nos habría sorprendido demasiado si fuera cualquier otra película al azar y no una producción de marvel.
Exacto 😅 aunque es una pena que la calidad de todo el universo esté decayendo tanto, considerando todo el potencial que solía tener en sus mejores momentos.
Sí, es una verdadera lástima.
Sólo podemos esperar que no continúe así🤞
Jajajaja un película que sin duda expresa lo mal que le va a marvel cuando se aleja de sus raíces.
Un fiasco total
Marvel debería seguir haciendo las cosas a la antigua, sus películas eran mucho mejores entonces
Totalmente de acuerdo 😊
Muchas gracias por pasar por aquí💕
trust me, i know exactly how you felt. when i saw this movie i asked the same question, like seriously what is going on? i guess you are right though, they where trying to make it as pg 13 as possible. nice review.
I'm glad you understand my perspective @elentiyaroberts 😊
Thank you!🤗 and thanks a lot for engaging💕
Your welcome.🤗
hahaha today I commented with two other users who posted in the past days about this movie. They both told me not to see it, but you know I'm not a Marvel fan and the trailer for this movie didn't convince me. But I'm sure it will be fun for fans of this universe.
I don't think I've ever seen someone that isn't a marvel fan lol.
Yeah, it's entertaining to some extent so I'm sure there are people out there that'll enjoy it regardless of all its flaws.
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My parsonal rating : 6.5/10
It's pretty close to mine lol