The Little Mermaid Eng-Esp


For children it is easier to believe in magic, in fantasy, in everything that for adults is simply unreal, in this movie it is easy to get involved in magic and believe in the two sides of the coin of the same, the one that is used to do good and the other dark side where ambition and the desire to be the most powerful of the planet rules.

Finally I had some time to enjoy some movies and this one caught my attention, first because since I was a child, I have loved everything that has to do with mermaids and second because I wanted to see a fantasy movie, but I found much more than that, I found romance, drama and some adventure.

From what I read, this movie is based on a book, which maybe I will be encouraged to read, even this plot begins with the story of a little story that a charming grandmother tells her beautiful granddaughters, in this story we are told about a mermaid who was trapped on earth and can only be released by finding true love.

After reading this little story, the grandmother tells the story of a girl who thought she was a princess and this is where the whole plot develops, this girl is called Elle and is played by Loreto Peralta since I saw the movie "no refunds", this little actress captivated me, her work is exceptional and in this movie she plays an innocent girl, who believes in magic, who lives in her own world and believes in the existence of mermaids, she even believes she is one of them, she lives with her uncle a very handsome journalist named Cam, skeptical, incredulous who has to move to a mysterious place and find out about a famous natural medicine that is making a stir because of the curious ingredient with which they prepare it.

It is then when they meet a beautiful woman Elizabeth (Poppy Drayton), who lives in a circus, a woman who is prey to evil and the girl since she sees her for the first time, believes in her and knows that she is a real mermaid, from then on, a love story is born, full of magic, where they try to free this mermaid and save the girl, because since they see her, they sense that there is something special about her.


I did not regret choosing this movie that was released in 2018 and I had never heard of it, because I found its story very interesting and how they interpreted each person. The environment in which it was developed was one of the things I liked the most, the circus looked full of mystery and just by watching the scene you could feel an atmosphere of suspense, with a little bit of terror.

It is an ideal movie to watch with the family, it leaves us a very nice message about real love, true love, the purity of the soul and the innocence of children.

Halfway through the movie, there was a part that diverted my attention to other things, I think there was a point where to be honest I was a little bored, but then I continued to enjoy it and although from the beginning I sensed the end, I liked it a lot and it left me with a great taste in my mouth.


If you like this type of genre, I think you will like this story and you can enjoy it alone or with your children and spend a pleasant and relaxing time, letting yourself be enveloped by the magic of the mermaids.


Para los niños resulta más fácil creer en la magia, en la fantasía, en todo aquello que para los adultos es simplemente irreal, en esta película es fácil envolverse en la magia y creer en las dos caras de la moneda de la misma, aquella que es usada para hacer el bien y la otra cara oscura donde gobierna la ambición y las ganas de ser el más poderoso del planeta.

Al fin tuve un tiempo de disfrutar de un rato de películas y esta me llamó mucho la atención, primero porque desde niña, me ha encantado todo lo que tiene que ver con sirenas y segundo porque quería ver una película de fantasía, pero encontré mucho más que eso, encontré romance, drama y algo de aventura.

Por lo que leí, esta película está basada en un libro, que tal vez me anime a leer, incluso esta trama comienza con el relato de una pequeña historia que una abuela encantadora narra a sus bellas nietas, en esta historia nos hablan de una sirena que quedó atrapada en la tierra y que solo podrá ser liberada al encontrar el verdadero amor.

Después de leer este pequeño cuento, la abuela narra la historia de una niña que se creía princesa y aquí es donde se desarrolla toda la trama, esta niña se llama Elle y es interpretada por Loreto Peralta desde que vi la película" no se aceptan devoluciones", esta pequeña actriz me cautivo, su trabajo es excepcional y en esta película interpreta una niña inocente, que cree en la magia, que vive en su propio mundo y que cree en la existencia de las sirenas, incluso cree que es una de ellas, vive con su tío un periodista muy guapo llamado Cam, escéptico, incrédulo quien tiene que mudarse a un lugar misterioso y descubrir acerca de una famosa medicina natural que está haciendo revuelo por el curioso ingrediente con que la preparan.

Es entonces cuando conocen a una hermosa mujer Elizabeth (Poppy Drayton), que vive en un circo, una mujer que es presa de la maldad y la niña desde que la ve por primera vez, cree en ella y sabe que es una sirena real, a partir de entonces, nace una historia de amor, llena de magia, donde tratan de liberar a esta sirena y salvar a la niña, pues desde que la ven, presienten que hay algo especial en ella.


No me arrepentí de elegir esta película que fue estrenada en el 2018 y nunca había escuchado de ella, porque me pareció muy interesante su historia y como interpretaron a cada persona. El ambiente en que se desarrolló fue una de las cosas que más me gusto, el circo se veía lleno de misterio y con solo ver la escena podías sentir un ambiente de suspenso, con un poco de terror.

Es una película ideal para ver en familia, nos deja un mensaje muy bonito acerca del amor real, el amor verdadero, de la pureza del alma y de la inocencia de los niños.

A mitad de la película, hubo una parte que desvió mi atención, en otras cosas, creo que hubo un punto en que para ser sincera me aburrió un poco, pero después seguí disfrutando de ella y aunque desde un inicio intuí el final, me gusto bastante y me dejo un gran sabor de boca.


Si te gusta, este tipo de géneros, creo que te gustara esta historia y podrás disfrutarla en soledad o en compañía de tus niños y pasar un rato agradable y relajante, dejándote envolver de la magia de las sirenas.

Until a future review.

Hasta una próxima reseña.

Images taken from The Movie db, edited in Canva. Translation at DeepL.

Imágenes tomadas de The Movie db, edición realizada en Canva. Traducción en DeepL.


I haven't seen this version of The Little Mermaid. I was quite interested, I didn't know about the existence of this film. I will look for it to see it.

On the other hand, I suggest you increase your engagement on Hive, especially consuming and commenting on the posts of other users in the communities or niches where you publish. Hive is a social network and interaction helps you to make your blog known and gain readers and followers. It's not just about replying to comments on our posts, or doing it only on the day it's going to be published so that you see some interaction, but it's not really constant. It's about consuming and commenting on other posts. Gaining new followers is important, if they like your content you will receive support from your follower base.

I have also noticed that you vote very little, your voting power is not very high and maybe you think that your vote is not important, but in reality it is, voting other posts will also help you to get known, plus you win by curation. If you don't have time to vote, you can join the community trail and support the community.

Hi @jcrodriguez . I didn't know the movie either, it wasn't very popular, but I didn't think it was bad at all.

I understand, everything you tell me about the commitment and I am trying to organize my time, for it, it is something I want to achieve, I hope to do it little by little, this year, I have planned to be more active. Hive, I like it very much and I certainly want to have a better performance.

I didn't know about the power of the vote. Can you guide me to where I can get more information about this. Thank you very much for your advice, I will take it into account.

Bastante curioso, jamás habia escuchado de este filme y ahora que lo veo no deja de llamarme la atención, tengo que ver esta versión de la sirenita, debo buscar el cómo hacerlo, un abrazo y tremendo review, convencerme no es nada fácil ja, ja, ja.

Qué bueno, espero no decepcionarte, tal vez no sea una película para todos, me sorprendí bastante al encontrar esta versión de la sirenita, tampoco la había escuchado. Espero que te guste, si la ves me cuentas como te fue.