¡Hola comunidad de películas y series!
Hi Movies & TV Shows's community!!!
“Glamorous” es una historia sobre Marco Mejía, un joven que empieza a trabajar para Madolyn Adisson, una ex modelo y dueña de una marca exitosa de lujo de maquillaje. Empieza a trabajar como segundo asistente y allí conoce a la primera asistente, una chica llamada Venetia, al director de ventas llamado Chad, que también es hijo de Madolyn y a dos diseñadores Britt y Ben. A parte del trabajo, su vida también gira en torno a querer ser influencer, porque tiene un canal de Youtube donde ocasionalmente sube videos, su relación con su madre y con un chico que es su interés amoroso llamado Parker, aunque se ve envuelto en un triángulo amoroso con él y Ben.
Hello hivers! I came again this week to bring you a review of a series that I watched last week and that, without a doubt I loved! I'm talking about "Glamorous" a new Netflix queer series, which many compare it to an LGBTIQ+ version of "The Devil Wears Fashion" and that has had a good acceptance with the public, to me in particular it caught me from the first chapter and I'm in depression because it's over and still not renewed for a second season hahaha.
"Glamorous" is a story about Marco Mejia, a young man who starts working for Madolyn Adisson, a former model and owner of a successful luxury makeup brand. He starts working as a second assistant and there he meets the first assistant, a girl named Venetia, the sales director named Chad, who is also Madolyn's son, and two designers Britt and Ben. Apart from work, his life also revolves around wanting to be an influencer, because he has a Youtube channel where he occasionally uploads videos, his relationship with his mother and with a boy who is his love interest named Parker, although he gets involved in a love triangle with him and Ben.
Otra cosa que me gusta es que, a pesar de que Marco es el protagonista, hay personajes secundarios con sus propias tramas y le dan su propio espacio protagónico y su historia. Por ejemplo, la relación entre Venetia y Britt y la vida de Madolyn (su relación y su trabajo) son momentos de la serie que también llaman la atención y se hacen esperar. A pesar de que sí hay personajes que no aportan nada más que ser relleno, la producción supo utilizar al elenco y contar sus propias historias, y se siente más una historia sobre los trabajadores de la empresa y sus vidas que sobre la vida de Marco en general.
The series has a simple and digestible plot, it is fresh, hilarious, sometimes a little stressful and unreal, but what I like about this series is that it is pure entertainment, it does not seek to send a deep message to the audience or cause a memorable social impact, it is just a series to entertain, make people laugh and make the audience have a good time, a very easy to watch tragicomedy.
Another thing I like is that, even though Marco is the main character, there are secondary characters with their own plots and they give him his own protagonist space and story. For example, the relationship between Venetia and Britt and Madolyn's life (her relationship and her work) are moments in the series that also catch your attention and make you wait. While there are indeed characters that contribute nothing more than filler, the production knew how to utilize the cast and tell their own stories, and it feels more like a story about the company's workers and their lives than about Marco's life in general.
Me gusta cómo Marco se va superando a sí mismo y el desarrollo de personaje que tiene, porque al final descubre una seguridad en sí mismo que te contagia. Me gusta su humor, su trama del triángulo amoroso, porque toca un tema real y de gran relevancia para la comunidad LGBT y me gusta su relación con su mamá y con los demás. Me gusta la diversidad de personajes, en cuanto a orientación sexual y personalidades. Siento que, en definitiva, llegó a convertirse en una de mis series favoritas y vaya que soy un poco exigente con eso.
Certainly, the series can sometimes feel a little overwhelming or excessive because it is very extravagant and hilarious, there are comic scenes that handle a very colorful and somewhat cartoonish humor, but not all scenes are like that and that's the good thing, that when they are flying very high, they come back down and the plot does not become excessive.
I like how Marco overcomes himself and the character development he has, because at the end he discovers a self-confidence that is contagious. I like his humor, his love triangle plot, because it touches on a real issue of great relevance to the LGBT community and I like his relationship with his mom and with others. I like the diversity of characters, in terms of sexual orientation and personalities. I feel like it ultimately became one of my favorite series and boy am I a little picky about that.
Marco Mejía, protagonista de la serie
Si tienen el tiempo de verla, véanla, no hace falta que sean parte de la comunidad LGBTIQ+ para que puedan disfrutarla, es graciosa, es relajada y muy ¡glamorosa!
Mi calificación final para esta serie es de 9.5/10
¡Cuéntame si al viste o si la vas a ver!
Nos vemos en el próximo post ¡Bye!
If you have the time to watch it, watch it, you don't have to be part of the LGBTIQ+ community to enjoy it, it's funny, it's relaxed and very glamorous!
My final rating for this series is 9.5/10.
Let me know if you saw it or if you're going to see it!
See you in the next post.