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RE: Return of The Jedi: Build-up and Tension (Act-1 Breakdown)

in Movies & TV Shows2 years ago (edited)

To be fair to The Book of Boba Fett, it was good in certain ways. I liked the Lawrence of Arabia vibes where he was working with the Sand People, and I even liked that it showed a bit more of their culture.

I didn't like 'The Mods' who were literally, well, Star Wars Mods, with their Vespa Speeders and tons of mirrors. I think from a creative aspect, it took too much from our world and didn't feel like Star Wars. They also just felt a bit too kidish, and I get that it's Disney now and is intended for all ages. But, this is Boba Fett we're talking about and he felt very passified and everyone else seemed to steal the show from him.

I liked that Bain got his first live action showcase, and The Mandalorean coming into it was good. But, again, he stole the show. I did feel like the show runners didn't want a second Mando style character being a badass, so they had to tone down Boba, the original, to give the extra badass points to their own character.

A nit-pick for the show too, would be the Gamorrean guards. In ROTJ they were intimidating, but in the Book of Boba Fett, it was like they just gave up, threw away their armour and looked like over weight green guys. But, 100% it's cool to re-visit the locations and characters, but it does kind of feel like too many people who don't get Star Wars are involved in the franchise now and they're all trying to include their say. Too many cooks.

Yeah, George kind of lost it by time the sequels came out, there are good things about those films but they don't hold a candle to the originals. I remember being 4 or 5 and the 97 special addition VHS released and my dad bought them, I can still remember the day like it was yesterday. But, being that age when they released would have been amazing. To that date, nothing like that had come out and the guys of Industrial Light and Magic created what we know today as modern cinema. Star Wars is so significant because of the technology the pioneers brought to the table while producing it.

Also, I wouldn't mind going through the changes and making a post or two about them; some of the changes are good and some are bad and take away from the original films and team behind them.

Sorry for the long comment man, I can tend to get a bit carried away sometimes.


I don't mind a long reply :) I totally get it about the BOBF mods. They were too Disney really. Star Wars did help to push the quality of science fiction and fantasy. There was so much detail in there. The fact they did most of the original stuff with physical models is just amazing. I think they looked at CGI, but it wasn't quite ready. I remember when The Last Starfighter came out and that did use computers. I read about it in a computer game magazine. Now we can watch a million videos that explain every detail, but anything you could find out back then was precious knowledge that you could impress your friends with.

Keep it up!