A movie that made my imagination fly again. // Phenomenon 1996. [Esp - Eng]

in Movies & TV Shows2 years ago

A few days ago I had the opportunity to watch this film from 1996, during the time I spent recreating the most remembered scenes, I thought that not many films make us dream. Remembering the illusions that the film productions of those years generated in us, made me feel that fascinating mixture of nostalgia and joy, perhaps by imagining the me of those years, imagining what I would do in case of receiving such a gift, to change things in favor of the people of your city or your country; as it happened with the good George Malley (played by John Travolta).

Hace algunos días tuve la oportunidad de ver esta cinta del año 1996, durante el tiempo que dediqué a recrear las escenas más recordadas, pensé en que no son muchas las películas que logran hacernos soñar. Rememorar las ilusiones que nos generaban las producciones cinematográficas de aquellos años, me hizo sentir esa fascinante mezcla de nostalgia y alegría, quizás por imaginar al yo de aquellos años, imaginando qué haría en caso de recibir tal don, para cambiar las cosas en favor de las personas de tu ciudad o tu país; tal como sucedió con el buen George Malley (interpretado por John Travolta).


I am referring, of course, to the film Phenomenon by the American director "Jon Turteltaub"; accompanied by an exceptional cast, who rightly turn a story that begins and develops in a common way, into a work that catches your attention to the point of making you feel part of it. And I believe that this precept is fulfilled because it can happen to any of us; and also because most probably, if we had a talent either accidentally or acquired, we would do the same as George, help others.

Me refiero por supuesto, a la cinta Phenomenon del director estadounidense "Jon Turteltaub"; acompañada por un elenco excepcional, que acertadamente hacen de una historia que comienza y se desarrolla de una manera común, se convierta con el transcurrir de los hechos, en una obra que atrapa tu atención hasta el punto de sentirte parte de ella. Y creo que este precepto se cumple porque le puede suceder a cualquiera de nosotros; y también porque muy probablemente, si tuviésemos un talento ya sea de manera accidental o adquirida, haríamos lo mismo que George, ayudar a los demás.

I consider that being a simple and common person, we all would like to be able to do extraordinary things; I know that I have dreamed about it more than once and the first thing that comes to my mind is to favor those who need it most; to do things to improve the situation of people in this world, for the good of our fellow men. This is what George did when he accidentally obtained for a definite time the gift of developing knowledge, the virtue of cultivating his intelligence and human sensitivity in its highest expression, to such an extent that he could perceive what people close to him were feeling.

Considero que siendo una persona sencilla y común, a todos nos gustaría poder hacer cosas extraordinarias; sé que he soñado más de una vez con ello y lo primero que se me viene a la mente es favorecer a los que más lo necesitan; hacer cosas por mejorar las situación de la gente en este mundo, para el bien de nuestros semejantes. Así hizo George cuando de manera accidental, obtuvo por un tiempo definido el don de desarrollar el conocimiento, la virtud de cultivar su inteligencia y la sensibilidad humana en su más alta expresión, a tal punto que podía percibir lo que sentían las personas cercanas a él.


Certainly, I have seen other films that talk about the use of cognitive abilities, that we keep in a latent state in our brains; and in the little that I have been able to read about the subject (fascinating by the way), it is agreed that man as a species, only uses a small percentage of his brain; This is a subject worthy of being studied and analyzed, since being the race that occupies the cornerstone of the pyramid, it is wonderful just to imagine the intellectual level and mental energy, which would reach the human being and is something that inspired me this film since I saw it for the first time.

Ciertamente, he visto otras películas que hablan sobre el uso de las capacidades cognitivas, que guardamos en estado de latencia en nuestros cerebros; y en lo poco que he podido leer sobre el tema (fascinante por cierto), se coincide en que el hombre como especie, solo utiliza un pequeño porcentaje de su cerebro; esto es un tema digno de ser estudiado y analizado, ya que siendo la raza que ocupa la piedra angular de la pirámide; se hace maravilloso el solo imaginar el nivel intelectual y de energía mental, que alcanzaría el ser humano y es algo que me inspiró este filme desde que lo vi por primera vez.


The same happens when we see those programs in which "Magicians" appear, doing acts that seem to hypnotize the multitudes; but in reality the human being is made with such perfection, that if he developed all his capacities to the full, he would be able to do all those tricks, but without cheating ha,ha,ha,ha. That is, move things with the use of the mind, memorize entire books in a few minutes and do things that to our eyes and our minds, seem impossible. It is as I read in some old metaphysical book, if a human being were to develop his full potential, our material body would become our main obstacle.

Lo mismo pasa cuando vemos esos programas en los que salen "Magos", haciendo actos que parecen hipnotizar a las multitudes; pero en realidad el ser humano está hecho con tal perfección, que si desarrollase todas sus capacidades a plenitud, sería capaz de hacer todos esos trucos, pero sin hacer trampas ja,ja,ja. Es decir, mover cosas con el uso de la mente, memorizar libros enteros en pocos minutos y hacer cosas que para nuestros ojos y nuestras mentes, parecen imposibles. Es como leí en algún viejo libro de metafísica, si un ser humano desarrollara todo su potencial, nuestro cuerpo material se convertirían en nuestro principal obstáculo.


Fortunately, our friend George is not all alone, he is well liked in town and repairs cars; and he has the friendship of Nate Pope (played by Forest Whitaker), Dr. Brunder (played by the great Robert Duvall); and also by the girl he likes and who rekindles his ability to love, named Lace (played by Kyra Sedgwick). But it happens to Malley as it will happen to anyone who is different, he will be misunderstood and criticized by some, that is always present not only in the film but in our daily lives, so much so that sometimes we consider it normal.

Afortunadamente, nuestro amigo George no está del todo solo, es muy querido en el pueblo y repara autos; y cuenta con la amistad de Nate Pope (interpretado por Forest Whitaker), el doctor Brunder (interpretado por el gran Robertl Duvall); y además por la chica que le gusta y que reaviva su capacidad de amar, llamada Lace (interpretada por Kyra Sedgwick). Pero a Malley le pasa como le va a pasar a cualquiera que sea diferente, será incomprendido y criticado por algunos, eso siempre está presente no solo en la película sino en nuestra vida cotidiana, tanto que a veces lo consideramos normal.


It is curious to see how people fail to grasp George's true message, about the importance of helping each other and not imposing ourselves on others; his intelligence and telekinetic powers caught the attention of government entities, who did not see him as a person but as a kind of guinea pig, as a laboratory mouse that would teach them how to handle that "power" to do incredible things, things that broke with our limited and primitive understanding. If a similar genius emerged, in real life, would he be treated differently?

Es curioso ver cómo las personas dejan de captar el verdadero mensaje de George, sobre la importancia de ayudarnos mutuamente y no de imponerse ante los demás; su inteligencia y poderes telequineticos llamaron la atención de entes gubernamentales, que no lo veían como una persona sino como una especia de conejillo de indias, como un ratón de laboratorio que les enseñaría a manejar ese "poder" de hacer cosas increíbles, cosas que rompían con nuestro limitado y primitivo entendimiento. ¿Acaso si emerge un genio parecido, en la vida real, sería tratado de manera distinta?


Fortunately for me as a viewer, good George gets to know and live true love, represented by Lace and his children, who become attached to someone who gave them great life lessons. He falls in love with them as they reciprocate, he is the great treasure Malley gets aside from his friends. John Travolta gives a great performance and manages to convey a lot of feelings through the screen. And although the ending was not what I expected, it left me with a very good feeling; especially because of the real possibility of it happening to any of us.

Afortunadamente para mí como espectador, el buen George logra conocer y vivir el amor verdadero, representado por Lace y sus hijos, quienes se encariñan con alguien que les dio grandes lecciones de vida. Él se enamora de ellos mientras ellos le corresponden, es el gran tesoro que consigue Malley aparte de sus amigos. John Travolta hace una gran actuación y logra transmitir muchos sentimientos a través de la pantalla. Y aunque el final no era lo que yo esperaba, me dejó muy buenas sensaciones; sobre todo por la posibilidad real de que suceda a cualquiera de nosotros.

Happy Holidays!.gif

La opinión en esta publicación es de carácter personal por parte del autor.
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator.

The opinion in this publication is of a personal nature on the part of the author.
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator.

Happy Holidays!.gif

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I tell you that the first time I saw this movie the ending almost made me cry. Good cast and a nice message. I have fond memories of this movie. Many young people today should see it.

I agree with you friend JC, more people should see it and open their minds to this situation. It is a very touching story that made my sisters cry when we saw it for the first time.

At the same time, I consider it an inspiration for the youth. If we look at it with eyes of acceptance, we will have much of George Malley to apply in our own lives; the effective use of time, the opportunity to love again and in all its expression.

It is ironic the misunderstanding of something that is said to be very precious, that is, many claim to seek the meaning of life but when you have a similar case, it is wasted.

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Amazing to watch old movies.. one thing I know about them is that they are well acted compared to the movies of nowadays. Great memories.

I have watched the trailer and it’s so amazing.

“Believing what you never thought possible”.

That's right my friend, the movies of the 80's and 90's were pioneers in making us feel what was happening on the screen, there was a kind of natural sincerity in the characters that transmitted empathy.
This film is wonderful because it made me dream, imagining all that someone could do with a divine gift, but very limited in time.
Something that is scientifically possible and that represents the essence of the human being.

Thanks for visiting my publication, I hope you give it a chance and watch it soon!


Yeah yeah. I would make sure to watch it at my leisure so I can enjoy everything scene one after the other. I love movies when they are based on true life happenings and movies that are filled with morals too.

Thanks so much for sharing

Thanks to you my friend @abdul-qudus
for appreciating good cinema, the content of which stays in your mind over the years and which you wish your children could also see.


My pleasure. Thanks so much for your time..

Está es una película maravillosa y tiene un elenco genial. Por el efecto de un rayo o luz que lo deja aturdido, George adquiere inteligencia y percepción increíble. Una persona común, un mecánico se convierte en un genio. La trama, el mensaje, todo en esa película es muy buena. Un abrazo mi pana

Cierto hermano, he aquí una muestra de aquel cine fascinante de los años 90.
El elenco hace un trabajo muy bueno y se transmite diversos sentimientos humanos que nos caracterizan como personas sociales, pero a veces incomprendidas.
Te confieso que el final me dejó algo aturdido jajaja.

Gracias por tu comentario y apoyo Omarcito.

I watched this movie a long time ago ! It was good ! Thanks for bringing again this

Thanks for support friend @gwajnberg,

I haven't seen this movie by John Travolta. I marveled at myself

I totally agree with your long and descriptive comment.

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This film had an incredible side to it, mostly out of wonder and how life would chase such a genius, in fact, most genius children end up doing whatever they feel like because society suddenly drops on them all the responsibilities of the society and hope them to fix, and if they dont, they are persecuted until they breakdown... So this film at least got that really right...

It is without a doubt one of my most remembered films of those years. You're right my friend, when a genius like that comes along, society seems to do the opposite to accept him and ends up making him feel misunderstood and undervalued.

George lived that feeling already in his adulthood, but as you point out, child geniuses have to deal with this situation throughout their lives.

And it is unfair!