any movie that starts with a song of a rock band, will undoubtedly be a good movie, in this case Guns N' Roses.
Wow, your experience in the film world has even made you notice the anamorphic lenses that are used to record each of the scenes, it's exciting to have this experience and quickly notice this kind of things.
The life of a prisoner must be pretty bad, a good proof of them I saw it clearly with a series called Vis a Vis, (you must watch it, a bit Spanish but it's very good).
I'll see if I can find it tomorrow and check it out! I'll let you know what I think of it too!
Oh I love these. I am always hunting for them. Sometimes they are quite obvious though! Next time you watch a film, look at how the bokeh is shaped. If it's oval and the perspective is very wide, there's a good chance it's an anamorphic! Very cinematic, and very beautiful.