wow, muy interesante esta serie, ya que habla de la mentalidad de un criminal, ver como un criminal lo contrata la FBI para buscar a alguien mucho peor que él es algo muy interesante de ver, por como describes esta serie me recuerda un poco a las CSI en la escena del crimen, pero claro esto ya es algo más allá que solo resolver casos.
Los asesinos en series no son personas cuerdas desde mi punto de vista, ya que nadie debe estar cuerdo para poder matar a otra persona, lo bueno es que esta serie nos sumerge en este tipo de personas, buena reseña amigo, saludos.
Yes the series is a very interesting one. The fact that it is based on true events makes the series much more captivating. The idea of the legal system hiring criminals to do very dangerous work in exchange for leniency is something that we see a lot in movies but this series proves that it really happens.
There are definitely levels to criminality but I agree that no sane person can just become a heartless serial killer. It takes a special type of monster to commit such acts and still be able to live with themselves. Black Bird does well to show us a bit about a serial killer. It's difficult for us regular people to understand why they do terrible things and so the natural thing is to hate and be scared of them.
Thank you so much for reading my post and for the comment. Have a great week ahead!