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RE: Hidden figures - racism, sexism and NASA

What do you think about schools putting 'colored' and 'non colored' bathrooms in 2022? Do you think that the experience of these real signs help the students sympathize with the time period? Is it worth creating animosity between them to do so?


That's a very tough question, I think it is difficult to answer because, as always is difficult to generalize... I think that in order for such a thing to work, the children should have already some sensibilization on the subject itself, otherwise you risk creating animosity as you said... I think there are some tests that tried to do something similar, like creating two fractions in a class of kids to compete in a game, and two fractions started fighting against each other so that the only solution to bring everything to normal was to add a common "enemy" (maybe another class for example) and that brought them back to cooperate
Also the movie "The Experiment" is a sort of example, have you seen it?
My conclusion is that I don't know if it is a good thing or not, to many variable to take into consideration 😅

No, I have not seen it. I think there probably are real experiments done with real students. In fact, I remember seeing signs and report of this being used in a U.S. school on Twitter. I guess it could have been made up. I could easily manipulate an image and put a "black's bathroom" and "white's bathroom" sign over the bathroom doors. I remember jumping to the conclusion that this will only create hostility between students.

I remember how it was when I was full of hormones in my immature growing body and also impressionable at the same time. I feel our tribal instincts can easily get exploited. There are various examples when one group is treated differently than the other by an authority, and instead of doing something against the authority, they attack the better treated group. Surely, there is a study like this somewhere where this is well proven and quantified. Yes, it is an unscientific opinion that I say this, so it would be interesting to see evidence that disproves it.

Yeah maybe there is, I am not an expert in the filled so I have no idea, I just know some stuff from random articles and courses I followed online for fun... But I think these kind of things need to be treated by experts also because everyone, even within the same experiment can react in a different way