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RE: (ENG/SPA) Joker Folie a Deux is a kick in the nuts? MAX Review

in Movies & TV Shows2 months ago

hahahahaha the dance rate that you give to this movie is funny. I think joker are so overrated. In my opinion once something is done twice, that's enough for a character to be explored. It's really hard to make shows/film that are great and with Joker case, not only the internet trashed it but it's bad to keep following momentum but creating a piece of crap for us to consume.


WoW is that many things leave me thoughtful about the film because I have read those who liked it and leave me thoughtful, reflecting .... but then I think about what I saw and I convulse hahaha 😅

Yes, it is very difficult to keep the rhythm of characters and at some point they decay, decadence is a universal rule that unfortunately reached the Joker, I regret because I wanted to see something from Gaga that left me sighing as in the performance of her with Bradley Cooper in A Star is Born, she is a lot of feelings but my expectations will remain in just that .... in seeing what could have been ☹️

Es que WoW muchas cosas me deja pensativo el film porque he leido a quienes les agrado y me dejan pensativo, reflexionando.... pero luego pienso en lo que vi y convulsiono jajaja 😅

Si, es muy dificil mantener el ritmo de personajes y en algun momento decaen, la decadencia es una regla Universal que lamentablemente alcanzo al Joker, me da pesar porque quería ver de Gaga algo que me dejara suspirando como en la actuación de ella junto a Bradley Cooper en A Star is Born, ella es mucho sentimientos pero se quedaran mis expectativas en solo eso.... en ver lo que pudo haber sido ☹️