Mi Opinión acerca de los rumores del nuevo Snape polémico en la serie de HBO de Harry Potter (English Subtitle)

in Movies & TV Shows3 months ago (edited)

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Today I would like to share with you my honest opinion about the rumor that is running around about the actor that is supposedly being considered to play Severus Snape in the new HBO Harry Potter series, I know that opinions are divided and that even as things stand today it is difficult to issue an opinion without risk of misinterpretation, but I still want to risk saying what I think about this rumor and how I think it could affect fan and audience support

Hoy me gustaría compartir con ustedes mi sincera opinión acerca del rumor que está corriendo por allí acerca del actor que supuestamente están considerando para interpretar a Severus Snape en la nueva serie de Harry Potter de HBO, sé que las opiniones están divididas y que incluso tal como están las cosas hoy en día es difícil emitir una opinión sin riesgo a malineterpretaciones, pero aún así quiero arriesgarme a decir lo que pienso acerca de este rumor y como creo que podría afectar el apoyo de los fans y de la audiencia.

Créditos del video

Este video fue editado con Filmora 9 y Canva editor. La intro y los demás efectos pertenece al editor Filmora 9

This video was edited with Filmora 9 and Canva Editor. The intro and efects belongs to the editor Filmora 9

I recorded this video using a ZTE Blade A51 cell phone.

Grabé este video usando un celular ZTE Blade A51








meme maté a potter

meme shrek


música de fondo

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I've seen some news about this, I don't know what to expect! but let's hope it's something good, hopefully yes, we can be surprised.

I just hope they respect the canon and that the actors are up to the role, Alan Rickman set the bar high but I'm sure many actors could do a great job.