"The Good Doctor" is a medical television series that premiered in 2017 and has gained popularity ever since. The series follows the life of Shaun Murphy, a young doctor with autism and savant syndrome, played by Freddie Highmore.
The plot unfolds at the prestigious St. Joseph St. Bonaventure Hospital, where Shaun struggles to gain the trust of his colleagues and overcome prejudice due to his condition. Despite the obstacles he faces, Shaun proves to be a brilliant surgeon capable of solving complex medical cases.
One of the highlights of the series is how it addresses sensitive issues related to autism and diversity. "The Good Doctor" shows the challenges that people with autism face in their daily lives, while highlighting their unique abilities and worth in the medical field.
In addition to the main plot, the series also explores the personal and professional lives of other doctors and hospital staff. The secondary characters are well developed and bring their own stories and conflicts to the overall plot.
"The Good Doctor" is the perfect balance of medical drama and emotional storytelling. Each episode features intriguing and challenging medical cases, while delving into the relationships between characters and addressing ethical and moral issues.
Freddie Highmore's performance as Shaun Murphy is exceptional. He manages to accurately capture the nuances of the character and convey his vulnerability and geniality at the same time. The cast overall is solid, with compelling performances that bring the characters to life.
All in all, "The Good Doctor" is a captivating series that combines medical drama with an exploration of sensitive issues. With an intriguing plot, well-developed characters and outstanding performances, this series is a recommended choice for those who enjoy emotional and medical stories.
"The Good Doctor" es una serie de televisión médica que se estrenó en 2017 y ha ganado popularidad desde entonces. La serie sigue la vida de Shaun Murphy, un joven médico con autismo y síndrome del sabio, interpretado por Freddie Highmore.
La trama se desarrolla en el prestigioso Hospital San José St. Bonaventure, donde Shaun lucha por ganarse la confianza de sus colegas y superar los prejuicios debido a su condición. A pesar de los obstáculos que enfrenta, Shaun demuestra ser un cirujano brillante y capaz de resolver casos médicos complejos.
Uno de los aspectos destacados de la serie es cómo aborda temas sensibles relacionados con el autismo y la diversidad. "The Good Doctor" muestra los desafíos a los que se enfrentan las personas con autismo en su vida diaria, al tiempo que resalta sus habilidades únicas y su valía en el campo médico.
Además de la trama principal, la serie también explora las vidas personales y profesionales de otros médicos y personal del hospital. Los personajes secundarios están bien desarrollados y aportan sus propias historias y conflictos a la trama general.
"The Good Doctor" es el equilibrio perfecto entre drama médico y narrativa emocional. Cada episodio presenta casos médicos intrigantes y desafiantes, al tiempo que profundiza en las relaciones entre los personajes y aborda temas éticos y morales.
La actuación de Freddie Highmore como Shaun Murphy es excepcional. Logra capturar con precisión los matices del personaje y transmitir su vulnerabilidad y genialidad al mismo tiempo. El elenco en general es sólido, con actuaciones convincentes que hacen que los personajes cobren vida.
En resumen, "The Good Doctor" es una serie cautivadora que combina el drama médico con la exploración de temas sensibles. Con una trama intrigante, personajes bien desarrollados y actuaciones destacadas, esta serie es una opción recomendada para aquellos que disfrutan de historias emocionales y médicas.
¡Buena serie!
Esta serie me encantaba, aunque nunca la terminé, pero la recuerdo con mucho cariño.
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It was ok in my book. The problem I had with the series was that all the episodes start to seem the same after a while. Don't get me wrong, it's still a decent series but i don't feel as though it is excellent.