Roberto Gomez Bolaño o chespirito, uno de los grandes iconos de la historia de la television. fue un actor y escritor mexicano entre muchas otras cosas, apareció en peliculas, programas de racio y escribio cosas muy importantes para el cine de su epoca, aunque sin duda todos lo conocemos por sus programas de television como el chavo. Yo no recuerdo mucho de el, pero si recuerdo ver a mi papá reir con sus programas, hasta hace unos dias lo vi reir viendo el chavo, capitulo que ya habian pasado miles de veces, investigando descubri que hay mas programas aparte de ese, vamos a verlos.
Los chifladitos era un programa tambien escrito y dirigido por el señor roberto gomez bolaño, trataba de dos amigos (chaparron bonaparte y otro que no me acuerdo como se llama) que estaban un poquito locos y todo el programa se la pasaban en una silla hablando e interactuando con otros personajes que iban llegando de visita a la casa, de ahi salieron frases celebres como "no hay de queso nomas de papa" o "digame licenciado". sin duda un exito.
Tambien está el doctor chapatin, un viejito cascarabias muy divertido y con mucha fasinacion por las mujeres, el programa consistia en un consultorio y se iba interactuando con los pacientes que iban llegando, el doctor junto con su secretaria y enfermera que la interpretaba doña florinda iban haciendo preguntas a los pacientes para saber como tratarlos, de el doctor chapatin se creó un rumor bastante extraño, porque supuestamente sentia atraccion por mujeres menores, muy menores..
Todo ese rumor se origina aqui, en Los supergenios de la mesa cuadrada, otro de sus fantanticos programas donde se hizo viral un chiste donde Maria A. de las nieves le preguntaba si le gustaban las mujeres de 28 años y el contestaba que preferia mejor dos de 14. fuera se de ese percanse era un programa bastante divertido y exitoso segun algunos videos que logré ver, ese programa fue antes de que el chavo del 8 saliera al aire.
El chompiras tambien es otro personaje creado por Roberto, se trataba de un Ex-ladron que junto a su compañero el botija iban contando sus aventuras en el camino de la ley, trabajando en un hotel como repartidores y carga maletas o simplemente hablando en una casa, en eso consistia el programa y era bastante bueno, ese si recuerdo que una vez hicieron uno donde aparecia una maquina magica que hacia dinero, metiendo un billete por un lado y sacando uno mas alto por el otro lado
Por ultimo y sin duda el menos popular de todos, la chicharra, un programa donde chespirito interpreta a vicente, un periodista que trabaja para la chicharra que es un periodico, y van resolviendo casos como si de CSI se tratase y asi entregar la mejor noticia, aunque en el mas puro estilo del señor roberto, muchas noticias nunca salian a la luz para mantener la buena voluntad de los personajes. Esta serie como no fue muy popular solo tuvo 14 episodios y luego fue realizada a modo de pequeños cortos y se iban metiendo en la programacion general de chespirito.
Roberto Gomez Bolaño or Chespirito, one of the great icons in the history of television. He was a Mexican actor and writer among many other things, he appeared in movies, ration shows and wrote very important things for the cinema of his time, although without a doubt we all know him from his television programs such as el chavo. I don't remember much about him, but if I remember seeing my dad laugh with his programs, until a few days ago I saw him laugh watching the guy, a chapter that had already happened thousands of times, investigating I discovered that there are more programs other than that, let's go to see them.
Los chifladitos was a program also written and directed by Mr. Roberto Gomez Bolaño, it was about two friends (Chaparron Bonaparte and another I don't remember his name) who were a little crazy and the whole program was spent in a chair talking and interacting with other characters who were coming to visit the house, from there came famous phrases such as "there is no cheese just potato" or "tell me a graduate." certainly a success.
There is also Dr. Chapatin, a very funny curmudgeon old man with a lot of fascination for women, the program consisted of a doctor's office and he was interacting with the patients who were arriving, the doctor along with his secretary and nurse who was interpreted by Mrs. Florinda. Asking patients questions to know how to treat them, a rather strange rumor was created about Dr. Chapatin, because he supposedly felt an attraction for minor, very minor women.
All that rumor originates here, in Los supergenios de la mesaquare, another of his fantastic programs where a joke went viral where Maria A. de las Nieves asked him if he liked 28-year-old women and he answered that he preferred two better from 14. out of that percanse it was a quite fun and successful program according to some videos that I managed to see, that program was before the guy from 8 aired.
The chompiras is also another character created by Roberto, it was an ex-thief who along with his partner the jug were telling their adventures on the path of the law, working in a hotel as delivery men and carrying suitcases or simply talking in a house , that's what the program consisted of and it was quite good, that if I remember that once they made one where a magic machine appeared that made money, putting a bill on one side and taking a higher one on the other side
Lastly, and without a doubt the least popular of all, la chicharra, a program where chespirito plays vicente, a journalist who works for la chicharra, which is a newspaper, and they are solving cases as if it were CSI and thus deliver the best news , although in the purest style of Mr. Roberto, many news never came to light to maintain the goodwill of the characters. This series, as it was not very popular, only had 14 episodes and then it was made as small shorts and they were getting into the general programming of Chespirito.
Jajaj cuanta nostalgia! Aparte de el chavo y el chapulin creo que no conocia los demas, aunque creo que llegue a ver al doctor chapatin, me llaman la atencion los demas, creo que los estare viendo :D genial post! :D