I think I know a way I can get it aside watching it on you tube... And I'm going to see it, I've read too many reviews about it already.
Seems there are more than three kinds of Cinderella stories 😅 have you seen rags?
That's another movie with the Cinderella vibe but this time, its a guy not a girl 🤣
Well, that is movies for us... We still can't watching them, can we? 🥲
Nice review, you sure did said your mind... That's the aim of veery review, to get your thoughts about the highlighted movie.
Yeah ok hehehehehe there are several styles of Cinderella hehehehe, I haven't seen that one with rags yet, can I get it where? so I can look it up and watch it. In one of the links of the sources of the cover image takes you to the movie on Youtube if you want to see it.
Oh thanks for the link
You can also get to watch rags on you tube 😊