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RE: [Esp/Eng] Review of Titane / Review de Titan

Sadly it is a reality that afflicts many, the relationship with our parents is a complicated interaction that marks us for life, good that you were able to overcome it and have some peace towards that. I also had problems with my father, nothing serious but there were several things wrong between us. However, I knew how to handle the situation with time. In this sense the movie knows how to reach the audience, it is a fact where thousands feel identified, whether it is a lack or a surplus of this love.
Tristemente es una realidad que aqueja a muchos, la relacion con nuestros padres es una interacción complicada y que nos marca de por vida, que bueno que pudiste superarlo y tener algo de paz hacia eso. Yo tambien tuve problemas con mi padre, nada grave pero si hubieron varias cosas mal entre nosotros. Sin embargo, supe como manejar la situación con el tiempo. En este sentido la pelicula sabe como llegar al público, es un hecho donde miles se sienten identificados, ya sea falta o por sobra de este amor.