I am Movie Monkey and am a true film addict.
Hope you enjoy my reviews. May contain spoilers.
- Genre: Horror/Thriller
- Release Date: 18th September 2020
- Director: Gerard Bush and Christopher Renz
- Starring: Janelle Monae, Marque Richardson, Jena Malone, Kiersey Clemens, Tongayi Chirisa.

I've honestly never come across a movie that fits into so many genres at once!
Although I have put it as a Horror/Thriller, I would say it's actually a Horror/Thriller/Mystery/Drama!
Yes that might sound a little confusing but I think you'd agree if you watch this.
Let me know if you think otherwise, I'd be interested to hear your views.
So, firstly the scenes of slavery and punishment were sometimes hard to watch. They were very hard hitting and thought provoking, but I guess that's a good thing as it proves that I have empathy and I'm not ignorant to the struggles that were historically endured.
On a plantation in Louisiana, slaves are treated abhorrently. They are not allowed to speak to the Confederate Army or the plantation owners unless they are granted permission. They are branded and violently beaten daily and if they dare to attempt escape, they are subsequently killed before being cremated in the plantations own 'burning shed'.
The story centres around a woman called Eden. But Eden, is not her real name. This is the name that which the plantation owner has given her. Her real name is Veronica and she is a successful black author and activist.
The story flits between her life as a plantation slave and her modern, totally free life. The contrast is massive.
Is this time travel? Or maybe a past memory from an ancestor or past life perhaps?
Courtesy of YouTube
I don't want to say too much about this one, but the main thing is that there are two, vastly different lives, lived by one person.
Overall this was a very good movie. The acting was superb and the storyline was very poignant.
The characters were historically correct and were played immensely well, giving the viewer a true depiction of what life, for many, was like back then. It did get a bit confusing at times with regards to the flitting between timelines but stick with it and all will be revealed.
It's a story of racism, struggles, and violence but also one of hope, love and courage.
Add it to your watch list folks!
Movie Monkey Rating: 4.5/5
I love the horror genre and I didn't see this movie because it received poor reviews but now you are making me doubt.
Honestly some of the best movies I’ve seen have had awful reviews. Everyone’s different I guess :)