I am Movie Monkey and am a true film addict.
Hope you enjoy my reviews. May contain spoilers.
- Genre:Horror/Thriller
- Release Date: 24th September 2010
- Director: Rodrigo Cortés
- Starring: Ryan Reynolds

The title kinda gives this one away from the offset. Ryan Reynolds plays Paul Conroy, an American man working in Iraq as a truck driver.
He wakes up, confused and concussed, in a wooden coffin like box, buried underground. In the quiet darkness, he fumbles around to try and ascertain his surroundings. He finds a number of items in the coffin with him, which include his mobile phone, pencil, lighter and pocket knife. With these items he attempts to survive his ordeal and arrange his rescue.
It quickly transpires that he was involved in an abduction and ransom situation. His truck convoy was ambushed and the people who carried it out have buried him underground in the attempt to receive a handsome amount for the exchange of his freedom.
Courtesy of YouTube
As he lies within the claustrophobic coffin, he must race against the clock to win his freedom. Luckily he is able to get a signal on his mobile, albeit a weak one, and he makes a number of frantic phone calls to try and raise the alarm.
He also gets to speak to the man who is responsible for his capture who demands he arranges a ransom immediately.
This is a very tense, claustrophobic movie which invokes panic and anxiety in the viewer as you follow the story and his frantic efforts to survive.
99% of this movie features Ryan Reynolds as the sole actor in the vast majority of it's scenes. A bit like Will Smith in 'I Am Legend' and Tom Hanks in 'Cast Away'.
I am always impressed by these kind of movies and the actors ability to command the scenes and carry the movie nearly all on their own. It takes a great Actor to be able to do that.
The panic and frustration was very real and definitely makes you put yourself in his shoes and experience it alongside him. The ending of this made my jaw hit the floor. It wasn't what I was expecting but was brilliant in it's conclusion.
A must watch for anyone, unless you're claustrophobic of course!
Movie Monkey Rating: 4.5/5