Somehow we've managed to throw out 1000 of these highlights over the years, and to some strange coincidence it aligned with the unfortunate and unexpected death of David Lynch. So I figured it would be nice to dedicate the 1000th community highlight to the filmmaker -- co-creator of Twin Peaks but also famous for his surrealist feature length titles and extremely good hair. Farewell, Mr. Lynch.
Author: @elizabeths14

It seems like two movies in one, but it is about a reality that happens to many people. My grandmother Paterna suffered because of her age, she did not remember anything, I do not know if it was Alzheimer's, but for my aunt who took care of her it was hard on many occasions, that her own mother did not know who she was. This film is filled with immense love and leads us to meditate on the fact of whether we will be for that someone else when it is their turn to be in a difficult situation or who will be that person who is really there for us, then, regardless of the link, we will know that we love and have been truly loved.
Author: @josehany

Through each chapter we will see how these problems develop even more and the decisions that the characters make to alleviate the pains of their souls. Many times they do not make the best decisions but they always leave us with a lesson. I recommend watching this series calmly, I don't think it's worth a marathon, which is how I started and that's why I got so overwhelmed. It's a series to digest little by little, and thus be able to understand each character.
Author: @kiutvariedades

Are we off to a good start with romantic films in 2025? Well the truth is yes, although this story is really from 2023, it is also true that I loved every second of the film, to begin with we must be clear that this is a very romantic production to the point of being cheesy but in a nice way, its main focus is the mourning for the loss of a loved one, specifically of a partner, which is one of the most complex griefs that exist, especially when it happens abruptly and early as is the case of this story. The film manages a certain slow pace that makes it feel longer than it really is, and that detail is a positive point for it, because precisely because it is dealing with grief, you can't expect the events to develop quickly, especially when we are talking about romance.
Author: @slwzl

Perhaps if there were a reality where the Gods of Olympus coincided in our world it would be very similar to this "Kaos", which makes me think of the one God among us, perhaps a God perplexed to see the way we immerse ourselves in the nothingness of doing nothing or simply watching social networks.
Author: @veneciabia

First of all, I must mention, how easy this is one of the worst adaptations of a Latin American situation I have seen by such a renowned foreigner as this director. He tried to make a work about the harsh reality that Mexico currently has with drug trafficking, corruption, the disappeared, and he got a very poor result, since he didn't really investigate or look for people who knew first hand the real situation that exists in the country.
Author: @jessuses1381

The Heron, one of the most memorable characters in the movie, is absolutely fascinating, she's sarcastic, mysterious, and somehow tender... she quickly became my favorite character, and that's because she was a bit weird to me at first, haha, but everything started to change as soon as you know more... I can't help but think that she will eventually become one of those iconic Ghibli characters, like Totoro. I also have to talk about the parakeets, hahaha, I can't stop thinking about them, they're so strange and disturbing that I didn't know whether to laugh or hide when they appeared... Now, talking a bit about the narrative, I admit that the first half of the movie is pretty straightforward, but then it gets more cryptic... not a bad thing, but it does require you to let yourself go and accept that not everything has a completely logical or clear explanation, it reminded me a lot of everything experienced in The Walking Castle, as there are moments where you just have to give up and enjoy all the chaos of the journey, and what a journey.
Author: @genesishealthy

One of the strengths of the series is that the powers are quite original, some are basic like teleporting or super strength, but there are others like he can literally bend things when he throws them, there is another who can talk to the dead and his powers begin to grow more and more, this character is called Klaus and he was one of my favorites, the scheme of the series does not cease to have clichés of movies or superhero series that is very true but there are things that really hook you and part of it is that the characters are very well built each of them their mistakes their successes makes the truth that you stay hooked to the screen.
Congratulations to everyone that was chosen, and thank you to everyone posting in Movies and TV Shows! We look forward to the next report and highlighting even more of you.
Can I just say what a sad coincidence that Movies & TV Shows' 1000th highlight is at the same time as the news of Lynch's passing.
These days I've been thinking about reviewing Dune or Muholland Drive, the only two films I've seen by the director, but I think I'll watch other projects and thus issue an opinion on the director's work.
Yeah it was quite odd timing! It was a surprise to hear of his passing, he seemed to be in pretty good shape, though I had missed that his lifetime of smoking had not long ago resulted in an illness that required him to have oxygen to help his breathing.
I did also notice that his YouTube videos had slowly stopped being released, with the last ones on there some recent interview type shorts on people's lives. Seemed like an interesting idea. A shame to have lost such a unique creative.