Hello! As part of our ongoing efforts to improve both interaction and curation in the Movies and TV Shows Community, this post is one of many to highlight and boost members of the past week that have posted what we believe is exceptional content.
The Details
Each week, our Moderators will monitor the posts within the Movies and TV Shows Community and handpick the ones that are believed to stand out under numerous factors: post quality, length, and subject. Over all effort will be considered, and those chosen will be featured in a post just like this with a percentage of the post rewards being distributed as a reward.
There are no entry requirements, and this is not a contest, but simply a roundup intended to provide additional exposure to all of you for your efforts. Just have fun posting in the Movies & TV Shows Community and three (3) total posts will be chosen frequently.
Author: @nameless16

The "Coming-of-Age" genre is one of the ones I like to watch the most, that's because I enjoy good stories where I see a character fighting against anxiety or other inconveniences while he goes through that path from adolescence to adulthood; already with the above described to be the basis of a story is enough to join other elements such as humor, drama, horror, romance, anything that makes grow and that we can enjoy a good film or even TV series; all these productions have some cliché, but there is always one or another that with a good script, good character development and good performances, stand out from the rest because some of these stories end up being even biographical of who creates them and from there comes the impact and connection with the public.
Author: @virgilio24

My hive people I hope you are well, I've been a little lost these weeks due to work issues, and also some work with scripts that soon I will tell you my experience, but today we return to finish the road to the Oscars as it should, in style, and today we bring a film that left me amazed from beginning to end, but it took me to see it twice, to understand all its symbolism and its encrypted plot, and thus be able to unite the puzzle of one of the best films of this year, The Power Of The Dog, here I will give my impression without spoilers of the film, in addition to closing this great section, which accompanied us for quite some time, although there were missing films to review, no doubt they will be in the blog individually soon, without more to say let's begin gentlemen.
Author: @elizabeths14

Ammy is 8 years old and there are still some things she doesn't understand about this film, but there are many others that she does. On this occasion and while we were enjoying RED together, daddy made us popcorn, which we can't miss.RED is a new film that clearly talks about the terrible stage of adolescence and how difficult it can be to struggle with hormonal changes, our emotions and also the fact that our parents don't still see us as babies. Whoever says that adolescence is easy, simply hasn't lived it.
Congratulations to everyone that was chosen, and thank you to everyone posting in Movies and TV Shows! We look forward to the next report and highlighting even more of you.
Thank you very much for recognizing my "Road To Oscar" section, we can only enjoy tomorrow's ceremony.