Movies & TV Shows Community Highlight #644

in Movies & TV Shows2 years ago
Authored by @namiks


Hello! As part of our ongoing efforts to improve both interaction and curation in the Movies and TV Shows Community, this post is one of many to highlight and boost members of the past week that have posted what we believe is exceptional content.

The Details

Each week, our Moderators will monitor the posts within the Movies and TV Shows Community and handpick the ones that are believed to stand out under numerous factors: post quality, length, and subject.

There are no entry requirements, and this is not a contest, but simply a roundup intended to provide additional exposure to all of you for your efforts. Just have fun posting in the Movies & TV Shows Community and five or more posts will be chosen frequently.


Author: @belkisa758

Mar de Sangre y Un Día para Sobrevivir | Dos en Uno | Opinión

A group of euphoric students, celebrating the last day of vacation, decide to enjoy to the fullest and without fear of risk their last day at the beach where they were. Without measuring the consequences, the kids go out hungry for adrenaline without knowing that only tragedy would greet them on that ill-named "last day". Well, as my intention is not to make spoilers, I'll leave the story up to here. The director of this movie is James Nunn, the same director of Mission Rescue, Sniper among others. The film was released in May 2022 and has a running time of one hour and twenty-four minutes.


Author: @belena2128

My Name is Khan, My opinion about this beautiful Movie.

The film takes place in the present and past of Khan, until the two narrative lines come together, Khan's past was not easy, a mother without knowing what happens to her son, because he is different from his brother, but she loves him with all her heart, helping him to have study opportunities, which were being denied only by discrimination and bullying from his schoolmates, as he grew up, he was showing great intelligence, and so he managed to have his first own business, repairing appliances; The good thing about this is that both his brother and his wife treat him very well, and it is thanks to his sister-in-law that they come to know that what Khan has is "Asperger's", since she is an educator and has extensive knowledge in this area.


Author: @missel20

MISIÓN DE RESCATE 2 🥷, Resumen y mis partes favoritas 😁

All that time were very epic fights, but the boy went with the mafia uncle, belonging to the Nagazi, and unfortunately that bad guy killed one of Tyler's friends, all were waste especially his sister Nick, but the uncle called Tyler for a last meeting, because he told him so: I'm not leaving here without killing you, Tyler went with him, so he could rescue the boy, and he found a that it was a trap, the uncle did not care about his nephew, the boy was scared but Tyler decided to fight with the mobster, in the end he ends up killing him but unfortunately the police arrive and they take Tyler and Nick.


Author: @giocondina

Movie-Review and opinion: ANNA, The danger has a name

This action shoot goes from simple to surprising in its different scenes, where Anna conveys the valuable message of never trusting anyone but oneself, thus demonstrating many cunning ways to survive and creating the necessary strategies to stay in her own game, preventing others from entering it. Anna at first embodies vulnerability and innocence, but then creates a totally different character, becoming a sensual and attractive young woman full of mysteries that only she knows, being her and no one else.


Author: @eldiariodelys

Reseña: Heartstopper (2da temporada)🍂💛💙 || Review: Heartstopper (2nd season)🍂💛💙

I said it in my previous review, and I say it again now: the romance that Heartstopper presents us is beautiful. It's a healthy, natural romance, full of respect, trust, and tenderness. It's just two guys who love each other and accept each other as they are. They support each other at every turn, and talk openly about what bothers them. It's a good example of how to create a real romance, making the audience fall in love and get excited, and you constantly find yourself thinking, “but how cute they are! I want something like them.” But, on this occasion, I'm not going to focus on romantic love. Love is very broad, it can come in many forms, and in Heartstopper we see it. It's present in the bonds of friendship that the characters have, when something bad happens, each one looks for support in their circle of friends, and they all try to help each other; friendship is one of the most important aspects in the series -and in life, in general-, and it even manages to reflect a safe place for them. It's the kind of friendship we should all aspire to find.


Author: @actioncats

Review "The Dragon Prince"

I will begin by clarifying that as tender as it may look the animation is not for children, in fact its censorship on Netflix which is the platform that transmits it points 16+ basically this series is about a conflict on the continent of Xadia, between men, elves and dragons, the main reason, men used dark magic, so the alliance between elves and dragons managed to isolate them, until King Harrow of Katolis, assassinates the King of the dragons Avizandum and his heir who was still an egg, which pushes the conflict almost to the point of breaking out a war and so the series in its first chapters shows us how a group of Moon elves arrive at the Castle of the King of Katolis to assassinate him and his heir.


Author: @alejandrabm1

The serpent review

This miniseries seemed very good to me and it is the genre that I like. It is a reality that happened in those years for a long time, it was difficult to accuse these criminals due to lack of evidence, if today with such advanced technology it becomes complicated I do not want to imagine in those years. That is why we cannot turn our backs on anyone, and I know these series leave us a little paranoid, but they are facts of real life. If, like me, you like these series, I invite you to watch it on netflix. Until a next post!


Author: @universoperdido

MALUM (2023) An entertaining proposal

About the story I have no complaints, I think it's an excellent proposal of narratives about satanic sects and occult illicit groups, but in the end, I feel that it doesn't contribute anything new and is placed for me in one more of the pile. But the important thing about 'Malum', is the way the story was presented, maintaining a slow pace at the beginning and then ascending to the stage of barbarism during the last acts, with an ending that, although it was not the best I've seen, I thought it was decent, but a little forced.


Author: @cristiancaicedo

Phoenix (2013): returned from the ashes | devuelta desde las cenizas

Although Phoenix is a story set in World War II, the center of its plot is identity and survival instinct. Based on the novel Le Retour des cendres by Hubert Moteilhet, originally published in 1963, it's a dramatic story that also has mystery, guilt, betrayal, the possibility of redemption, great cinematography, incredible locations of a Berlin in ruins, excellent performances and a atmosphere typical of the films of the fifties, although with the technological benefits of contemporary times. At just over ninety minutes long, Phoenix is a good alternative for when you want to watch a dramatic movie that's not too long, but one that makes you feel and leaves you thinking, what would you have done in the place of Nelly? Also, the final scene is very emotional and I thought it was a great way to end the story, have any of you seen this movie? I read you in the comments.


Author: @tonyes

An example of optimism, perseverance and self-improvement

Several scenes tear at my soul and make me cry inside. But there are two that personally bring me back to hope and optimism and they are in the final part when he is told of his decision to be chosen for the stockbroker position, where he goes outside and can't hold back the tears and then immediately runs out to find his son and melts into an embrace with him.


Author: @liveofdalla

Mindfulness | Serie Review

I must emphasize that, as in all the chapters of "Explained", in this chapter the producers use easy to understand resources such as drawings, and graphics, where they show a kind of fable, which helps us to understand the interaction between an animal that is in danger and the other that puts it in danger, all with the intention that you analyze the following: what are the options of that prey that is in danger, to escape from its hunter? Well, although, I always leave many spoilers in these analyses, in this case I will let you decipher it yourself, so you will have to watch the chapter for that and there you will understand the basis of what "Sathipathana" means.



Congratulations to everyone that was chosen, and thank you to everyone posting in Movies and TV Shows! We look forward to the next report and highlighting even more of you.

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Hola muchas Gracias, bendiciones para ustedes, feliz tarde💖

thank you very much for mentioning me ❤️

Thank you so much 🙌

Agradezco la mencion y motivacion para continuar compartiendo mis publicaciones. Saludos y bendiciones para todos!

 2 years ago  

Muchas gracias por el apoyo y el trabajo diario de curación. Saludos.