Hello! As part of our ongoing efforts to improve both interaction and curation in the Movies and TV Shows Community, this post is one of many to highlight and boost members of the past week that have posted what we believe is exceptional content.
The Details
Each week, our Moderators will monitor the posts within the Movies and TV Shows Community and handpick the ones that are believed to stand out under numerous factors: post quality, length, and subject.
There are no entry requirements, and this is not a contest, but simply a roundup intended to provide additional exposure to all of you for your efforts. Just have fun posting in the Movies & TV Shows Community and five or more posts will be chosen frequently.
Author: @maitt87
In terms of cinematography, the film resembles the earlier installments of the saga with lighter lighting compared to typical horror films. This choice highlights the brutality of the mutilations and adds a unique visual element to the film.
Author: @lumpymoon

Imagine that after all the logging and overexploitation of natural resources, a molecular revenge derives that the ecosystem begins to produce to exterminate humanity little by little until leaving a specific number of survivors that are not a global danger and from one day to the next, the high rates of overpopulation have disappeared; the truth is that I consider too logical this type of "pandemic" for what happened in our territory, this being a price to pay for our bad acts committed in society. Based on this crazy hypothesis, I understand exactly what Thanos did when half of the population disappeared and then contemplated the purification of the ecosystem to reduce pollution and overpopulation, so I would not put resistance and something similar would happen, we have it well deserved the truth.
Author: @iuliapetit2711

The animation is really very good even though it's 3D (it's not my favorite type of animation) and it has a fairly wide color palette which works perfectly. I have many favorite episodes, since they always made me laugh, but the ones I liked the most were the crossover episodes with the Fairly OddParents series (another of my favorite series). I remember when they took it off the air because they were hardly showing any good programs and this was one of the few good ones that were showing at that time and I think that if they were still showing it, I wouldn't stop watching it even though I hardly watch Nickelodeon anymore because in my opinion it was one of the most entertaining of the time.
Author: @luisdey

If anything, it is characterized by those thrilling moments and well-choreographed action sequences that keep the adrenaline pumping. The relationship between the characters, especially the couples that form during the heist, adds a human element to the story that makes you connect with them; such is the empathy that you see them as the victims. The choice of Salvador Dalí's mask is a symbol of the series that gives it a unique touch.
Author: @edittasc86

Towards the end of the movie this one takes a turn of events that for a moment makes you really come to hate the characters and feel a bit of helplessness for the moments lived by young Dylan or at least that's what I felt when I found out about the whole situation lived by the characters.
Author: @theinfiltred

The best thing that this series has is the debut of many DC characters that the fans have been dying to see on the big screen, among them, Lobo, played by Emmett J. Scanlan, who gives a humorous touch mixed with a charisma that will be liked from the first moment. Among other important characters that also appear in it are Doomsday, Hawkman and Zod (Colin Salmon), the latter is motivated by control and power, becoming a dangerous opponent for his second season.
Author: @richardalexis

In a world where video game adaptations of this type are usually disastrous, I appreciate that there are films that at least manage to be entertaining, with a decent cast, good direction and a couple of beautiful vehicles.
Author: @gabotask

And right here is where the best part of the film begins, the despair, the anguish, the knowledge that you have no way to communicate nor food or water, and the worst, your arm slowly dying from the pressure exerted between the rock and the wall. As soon as that happens, Aron remains calm and just begins to think about how he can get his arm out of there. First, he tried to pull it to get loose, but he couldn't. He also tried to push the rock but he couldn't either. He begins to get more and more desperate to the point of worrying a little, but well, he also tries to ask for help since a few meters before falling off the cliff Aron meets other mountaineers, but the screams are in vain. The atmosphere was so open that his poor screams disappeared because of the immensity of the planet Mars, I mean, because of the landscape of Utah XD.
Author: @esther-emmanuel

I had high expectations for this movie. I thought it was going to be a good alien invasion kind of movie, but it was not and it didn't measure up to my expectations. Firstly, this is my first time watching a movie with about 8 words as dialogues and most of the words were exclamations. I was so confused watching this movie because the beginning was devoid of background story, explanation of character, and weak introduction of the main character, Brynn. It got to a point I began to question myself if the movie was worth my time.
Author: @maeugenia

The series is beautiful and made me cry every time Jin, the protagonist, had an encounter with her mother in the past, you have to watch the series to know why. I can also say that the series is very funny and I laughed at many scenes, I was transported to my university days where we are all full of sleep and want to take on the world. The series also touches on the topic of fatherhood in a sublime way, Jin and Choi couldn't stop thinking about their son in the future and the sadness they felt for not being with him.
Author: @javyeslava.photo

One of them has to do with the CGI I talked about before, although it is true that with the Nun it doesn't look so bad, in this film another creature appears which is quite pitiful, to the point that beyond being scary what it gives is laughter. It's a pity because it takes away from the intensity of the experience and makes it impossible to take seriously the scenes where this thing appears on the screen. I don't understand how they include something like this but well. And the second thing is that the story is flat to the max, personally I would have liked to know more about Valak, his true origins, who he really is, this would have been brutal but they decided not to do it. We don't see a direct relationship with the Warrens either, nothing to make us think that this is what is coming, knowing that these films are sequels. Many missed opportunities to have done something really better than what was shown. With this it lost a lot of points for me.
Author: @cleydimar2000

It consists of six chapters of 50 minutes approximately, it premiered this year 2023 and is a German series, it is currently in the top 3 on TV. This is about a girl named Lena who had been missing for 13 years, being last seen in a nightclub with her closest friends, since then there were no concrete clues about her whereabouts.
Congratulations to everyone that was chosen, and thank you to everyone posting in Movies and TV Shows! We look forward to the next report and highlighting even more of you.
Thanks guys! ♥️ as always, happy to be here
Thanks so much! Always so happy to be here!
Very good proposals, I already read some of your reviews, thanks for the report, my regards!
Muchas gracias, saludos 😊💜