Hello! As part of our ongoing efforts to improve both interaction and curation in the Movies and TV Shows Community, this post is one of many to highlight and boost members of the past week that have posted what we believe is exceptional content.
The Details
Each week, our Moderators will monitor the posts within the Movies and TV Shows Community and handpick the ones that are believed to stand out under numerous factors: post quality, length, and subject.
There are no entry requirements, and this is not a contest, but simply a roundup intended to provide additional exposure to all of you for your efforts. Just have fun posting in the Movies & TV Shows Community and five or more posts will be chosen frequently.
Author: @jrjaime

The world building is quite poor, although it tries to show a mostly dark scenery, this is not really used in the correct way because nothing is ever done with it, throughout the film only an empty context is shown with nothing truly interesting so it quickly becomes irrelevant.
Author: @adalathu

Typically, these types of films don't tend to convey deep messages, as they are designed more to entertain than to invite reflection, and this could possibly be a weakness of When Evil Lurks. While I found the characters to be adequate, many of their decisions struck me as incredibly reckless, even irritating me as I watched them fail to realize the big mistakes they were making. Why do I mention the lack of a message as a weak point? Because the only message I take away after watching the movie, is that in risky situations, especially life and death, it is crucial to be guided by the experts in the subject at hand. In addition, of course, to think before acting.
Author: @actioncats

Now, what I did not like is that being so long chapters, although interesting, sometimes become heavy and you have to stop to continue, but overall an excellent series that recreates very well what happens during the occupations or dictatorships, where there are always places where the revolutionaries or locals are sent to be tortured, disappeared or used for experiments, wet, dirty, hidden, full of blood, despair and death.
Author: @veneciabia

Something I want to mention, is that my grandmother, throughout the movie, talked about how weird the main character's outfits were, and how they were totally inappropriate for her age. Personally, to me, these seemed very cute and full of life. Although of course, I probably wouldn't be able to wear those combinations, since it's not my style, but I really find it very original and unique. Sometimes I think that the world needs more original people, but sadly many ill-intentioned people criticize anything they can see.
Author: @netflixr

Inside of all of the action there is a story that I think was kind of important about how Mason's reasons for hating the President/Dictator were misguided and the ambush of his Army unit was actually an inside job perpetrated by his own country in order to attempt to destabilize the country of Paladonia. For me, I think that these sorts of things actually do happen around the world when certain richer countries are interested in the natural resources of poorer countries, so they do covert ops like the one Mason was involved in to attempt to steal the natural resources of those poorer countries.
Author: @naath

This movie is quite interesting, we can see how the main character who is Oliver is shown as a completely normal and harmless person, he is even too friendly and good at listening to the stories of those who are in that house. But he wants more, he wants to be closer to Felix and he wants Felix to recognize him as an important person for him. Although Felix was a character who at first seemed disinterested in helping or being friends with Oliver, he felt that Oliver was a person with whom he could have a friendship or something more than that, but in the movie they don't show a relationship more than friendship.
Author: @mamaemigrante

A phrase that I liked and that in the background makes you change the perspective of Mel's character, is when he confesses about his first entry into prison, with only 14 years old, because when he saw the abuse of his father against his mother he hit him, but his "only mistake was that I did not kill him". You may think I'm justifying him, but by giving that context to the character, we see not only that he is not acting out of vanity, but out of a need to save himself.
Author: @wiseagent

Over the course of just five brief episodes (and this is the only negative point of the entire project that I can highlight: having such a short running time, even as isolated episodes, since each chapter has something around 15 minutes), the audience follows the young woman's adventures a lot and she is willing to learn about things that she didn't even know she needed until then. Amidst all types of pokémons, her life will change a lot.
Author: @richardalexis

Starring a group of unknown girls who do a brilliant job (Mia McKenna-Bruce, Lana Peake and Enva Lewis), we are faced with a representation that works perfectly in two senses: either because we feel identified as women in the face of the abuses presented on screen, or because it is simply easy to feel empathy with their suffering. This works thanks to an excellent script, which knows how to tactfully handle the actions of its protagonists without needing to soften the most unforgivable aspects of it, and using an audiovisual language that is relevant for generation Z.
Author: @maeugenia

The series shows what their lives were like during their marriage according to testimonies from people who knew them and from the protagonists themselves. The couple went through addiction problems, domestic violence, jealousy, child custody and many other things that make the life of Christ and King worthy of capturing in this series.
Author: @eleazarvo

This narration has good image transitions. good quality in photography and sound. The plots, subplots, knots and conflicts are impeccable, great success with the dialogues, really; They are very plausible and believe me, in school life, they are a very small but valid approximation of the vicissitudes that one goes through in school life. Hopefully in the future cinematographic works like these, of which I don't know their performance at the box office or projection. They serve to analyze the educational fact of which we demand so many to give so little. To the extent that we understand that our demons are angelized with the power of knowledge. We will understand that we can survive this world, so beautiful and at the same time, so contradictory. Until next time. God bless you.
Congratulations to everyone that was chosen, and thank you to everyone posting in Movies and TV Shows! We look forward to the next report and highlighting even more of you.
thanks a million for the support! this time I see very good movies here that I like a lot, congratulations to the recognized ones!
Happy new year! Thanks for the support guys ❤️
Thank you so much for all the support you gave me all these years 💖 @moviesonhive 😊
Thank you for your support
Hi! Thank you very much for your support and the mention. 🤗
Happy New Year to the whole gang! ✌️