Movies & TV Shows Community Highlight #897

in Movies & TV Shows8 months ago
Authored by @namiks


Hello! As part of our ongoing efforts to improve both interaction and curation in the Movies and TV Shows Community, this post is one of many to highlight and boost members of the past week that have posted what we believe is exceptional content.

The Details

Each week, our Moderators will monitor the posts within the Movies and TV Shows Community and handpick the ones that are believed to stand out under numerous factors: post quality, length, and subject.

There are no entry requirements, and this is not a contest, but simply a roundup intended to provide additional exposure to all of you for your efforts. Just have fun posting in the Movies & TV Shows Community and five or more posts will be chosen frequently.


Author: @josehany

Hierarchy K-drama Review

I can't talk so much about this series because it is a fairly short series, it only has 7 episodes, and to continue talking is saying it all, lol. I want to start by saying that, even though I have not seen Elite, the series with which they are comparing it, I can still say that it is not similar, perhaps the aesthetics and the concept are similar but the way things are shown here are more subtle, at least with the case of drugs, alcohol, parties and lack of control that I have seen, which is why Elite is characteristic, in addition to its controversies and secrets. The difference in this series is that not everyone knows everyone's secrets, and even though someone actually died most had no idea that he had been murdered and not an accident.


Author: @mrarhat

Maharaja (2024) Review with Shocking Twists .

If you leave out any part of this movie, you will leave out a lot of the story. Here is a mix of past and present stories. Means when Maharaja comes to the police station there are some previous events which are revealed later. I liked the movie very much. Trust me after a long time I watched a good Indian movie. Which will make you remember the very beginning of the movie at the very end of the movie. You can watch it at leisure with your family.


Author: @teknon

Bitter Moon || Obsession Most Definitely Turns Into Disgust

Learning of all the erotic moments, Nigel is still very much interested in Mimi and definitely wants to have a piece of her. Due to his obsession, he comes up with an unnecessary argument with his wife, Fiona, just so he could go out of their cabin and at least catch a glimpse of Mimi. But, on the day he thinks he's got a chance, he gets the shock of his life. Fiona works smarter than he could and shares a bed with Mimi. I honestly didn't expect the plot twist either.


Author: @sofiaquino98

Intensamente 2: Algunos puntos importantes desde la psicología

In this second installment we see the portrait of adolescence in Riley, with the physical and psychological changes it entails. One of them, for example, is the importance of peers in the development of identity. The family, on the contrary (and as it is represented in her own island), takes a back seat, something absolutely normal and expected in this vital stage.


Author: @mundomanaure

Oriana y sus referentes en los periodos del Barroco y Roco

According to the director this story had to do with a Marvel house where she felt there were ghosts. As can be noticed from the creation of the story, this film has been created by women, an important point to delve a little deeper.


Author: @veneciabia

My opinion on the zone of interest: the two faces of human wickedness

This movie is very strong and raw if you are a sensitive person. Although it is true that they do not show anything graphic literally, we can see strong moments where we observe the worst facets of humanity, if that could be called humanity.


Author: @promete0sz

Godzilla and Kong The New Empire i liked it a lot

The human plots is the weak point of this kind of films because they can be very boring or a filler to get to all the previous thing that I already described that are the battles, as I would like those arguments to be discarded and only be a monster film but in this case they are and I had no problem, in fact I see positive that there is a cast that at least does not bore, they are funny, it is not perceived forced and I'm happy with what I saw of them.


Author: @naath

Film Review | I Am: Celine Dion - The touching story of this amazing woman and artist.

Over the years Celine Dion would become one of the most successful and beloved artists in the world, with a career spanning more than four decades, selling more than 200 million records worldwide, winning a host of awards including five Grammys, where her ability to transmit emotions through her songs catapulted her as one of the best singers of the decade and who always showed great passion for music being her way to offer the world a little love and strength, the same that characterizes her as a person and that has allowed her to know the world and also to be part of the history of music. For me Celine Dion who I knew for her famous song My Heart Will Go On which was very popular in the 90's after the premiere of the movie Titanic, I found her to be a woman with a unique voice and who reflects in a very emotional way the lyrics of her songs to the point of moving you to tears and in this documentary where she shows herself more human than ever it was hard not to shed some tears when I saw how strong she has been especially after losing the love of her life and father of her three children, and also being diagnosed with a rare neurological disease called Stiff Person Syndrome.


Author: @ikigaidesign

Una historia real: La Pola | Review

La Pola was a great brave woman, a Colombian heroine, who participated in political activities to free the people from the Spanish, playing a great role in the independence of Colombia; and in this soap opera we will see this warrior woman, fight to the end, with all those men willing to do anything, she didn't care about anything, she only thought about saving her people and liberating them, and in this way finally being with her loved one.


Author: @richardalexis

Train To Busan: zombies and human nature.

For me, one of the reasons why zombies are so striking from a narrative point of view is because, like apocalyptic adventures, they are usually an element that, beyond the spectacle, is implemented to tell us about human nature, the consequences. of desperation and the value of life when all the things we held dear begin to fade before our eyes.


Author: @pannavi

Detonantes: Una Jessica Alba Diferente

So it's only for the performance of the fabulous Jessica Alba that I will recommend it. But I warn you, it's only entertaining, it's good to pass the time and to slake your thirst for justice. I was delighted to see her acting again and more in a side I've never seen from her before.


Author: @elfino28

Analizando la nueva versión de Dirty Dancing/Analyzing the new version of Dirty Dancing

Now, speaking from my perspective as a professional in dance, the mambo has been one of the most sensual dances over the years. At least for me, it was quite challenging to learn. In the United States, Mambo is typically learned before Salsa, as they might consider Salsa to be similar to Mambo, although they are distinct dance styles. The difference in steps lies in the clave rhythm. If I recall correctly, my teachers used to tell me that the maestro Tito Puente created the mambo. He said that the foot should move precisely when the clave rhythm starts, which is on beat number 2 of the song. That's why when they are teaching the girl to dance Mambo, they count 2, 3, 4, skipping the 1. In Latin America, when we learn to dance in academies, we count the 1. So when I learned to dance Mambo, it was very challenging for me to unlearn marking the 1. I think it's much easier to start learning Mambo from scratch without counting that 1. In fact, nowadays, sometimes when I dance Mambo, I unintentionally mark the 1 unconsciously.



Congratulations to everyone that was chosen, and thank you to everyone posting in Movies and TV Shows! We look forward to the next report and highlighting even more of you.

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Thanks for the mention work team of movies and Godzilla and Kong they will rule forever


Muchas gracias por la mención.

Thanks 🙏

Thank you so much for your support 🤗
Have a great day!

muchas gracias por el apoyo

Agradecida por el apoyo y la mención 😄💕

Ouuh, thanks for the mention. I didn't finish Train to Busan and this just served as a reminder. Definitely going back to it soon.