Movies & TV Shows Community Highlight #997

in Movies & TV Shows2 months ago
Authored by @namiks


Hello! As part of our ongoing efforts to improve both interaction and curation in the Movies and TV Shows Community, this post is one of many to highlight and boost members of the past week that have posted what we believe is exceptional content.

The Details

Each week, our Moderators will monitor the posts within the Movies and TV Shows Community and handpick the ones that are believed to stand out under numerous factors: post quality, length, and subject.

There are no entry requirements, and this is not a contest, but simply a roundup intended to provide additional exposure to all of you for your efforts. Just have fun posting in the Movies & TV Shows Community and five or more posts will be chosen frequently.


Author: @cristiancaicedo

The Room Next Door (2024): the right to die | el derecho a morir

There are many questions that one can ask oneself in this regard and the debate is very interesting because there's always talk of the right to life and the inevitability of death. It's defended that people have the right to live with dignity, but often the desire to die with the same dignity is condemned. If a person doesn't want to die bedridden, doesn't want to fight against an incurable disease and euthanasia is not legal in the country where they live, what can they do? Is their right as a human being above the law? I don't know what you think and I am not going to tell you Ingrid's position on this so that you will be encouraged to watch the film.


Author: @veneciabia

My opinion on elemental: all elements in one city

As I always like to begin my reviews, I want to touch on some of my favorite things about this film, and to do that I must start with the visuals. Visually, the film is a stunner. The animation is fluid and full of detail, and each element has a unique personality that is reflected in its design. The city itself is just another character, with its themed neighborhoods and rich culture. One of my hands down favorite details is the characters' hair, which is constantly in fluid motion, as could easily be wade's, which at all times is super fluid and 0 forced.


Author: @vikvitnik

2067 | A man's fight for the future of humanity | Film Review

The journey towards the future is crucial. And Ethan contemplates the possibility that he may have failed in his mission to set things right. Fortunately, or perhaps not, he is accompanied by someone very special to him, because they saved him in a complex situation, because if it weren't for them, he would be dead. Later, he will discover that he did experience his own death, but not in the way he imagined, but rather around deception and concealment, which could somehow be repeated due to changes in time and the multiplicity of his own self. This implies that emotional ties could have become detached due to madness, and this is something that is very present on many occasions, adding tension and suspense to the movie.


Author: @neruel

La Palma - I Just Want to Live! | Miniserie Review

Another striking aspect of the plot is how the knowledge of a young scientist is discriminated against. There is a tone of mockery and foolishness toward someone with more professional experience. The chaotic part of this event is that, if pride had not been activated, thousands of lives could have been saved. This part of the series sends a significant message: when we have the lives of thousands of people in our hands, we must act accordingly to save them.


Author: @genesishealthy

Review - La chica enmascarada

The performances are great the photography is wonderful and how the same script interconnects different stories to reach a final point where not even leave you nothing to the imagination that is to say we can see the crowning act that defines the story and also the consequences it had on the lives of the people involved, which I found wonderful as all intertwined in a spectacular way. The only point that I could say that is a little against the series is the fact that the characters are passed from generation to generation and the cas perhaps was not the most appropriate because the actors do not look much alike but however the performances remain very good and very solid.


Author: @jmis101

🎬🎮🕹Ralph Breaks The Internet 🌐 : Movie Review

It also showed lessons on healthy relationship, trying to fight one's insecurities, trying out something new,leaving our comfort zone,making new friends, and doing what we love doing.


Author: @bethyjade

Squid Game Season II Review

I would also like to mention that in this season we see new faces, like player 120 (the trans girl) I must admit that when I saw that she was a trans player I thought “Here we go again with the forced inclusion) But I quickly realized that it was a quite natural inclusion, the actor worked her role with much respect, without parodies and without exaggerations, also the personality of her character is quite charismatic and noble, which made us get attached right away, in fact she became my favorite character in this season.



Congratulations to everyone that was chosen, and thank you to everyone posting in Movies and TV Shows! We look forward to the next report and highlighting even more of you.

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Thank you very much for the mention. Honored to be here.

Grateful for the support. :)

Congratulations to each of the day's selections as the best reviews in the world of entertainment. Congratulations on each one.

Best regards!