Hello! As part of our ongoing efforts to improve both interaction and curation in the Movies and TV Shows Community, this post is one of many to highlight and boost members of the past week that have posted what we believe is exceptional content.
The Details
Each week, our Moderators will monitor the posts within the Movies and TV Shows Community and handpick the ones that are believed to stand out under numerous factors: post quality, length, and subject.
There are no entry requirements, and this is not a contest, but simply a roundup intended to provide additional exposure to all of you for your efforts. Just have fun posting in the Movies & TV Shows Community and five or more posts will be chosen frequently.
Author: @jessuses1381

Talking a bit about the characters, in this movie we meet the 10 main Eternals, each with their own powers and personalities.. and while this is awesome, it's also a bit overwhelming.. some characters really shine, like Fastos and his reflections on technology, which I personally liked a lot.. or we also have Gilgamesh, who has this protective and endearing vibe that I adored. But others feel a bit flat, Ikarus, for example, he's supposed to be this epic figure that's very similar to Superman, but he comes off as, I don't know, kind of cold.. then there's Sersi, who is the heart of the movie and is one of my favorite characters.. but somehow I feel like he's not one of those characters that leaves a lasting impression on you, it's like he's more interesting as a concept than as a character.
Author: @jcrodriguez

The film immerses us in that night full of chaos. A lot of chaos. The filmmaker manages to make us live a madness from beginning to end. The dizzying pace, the constant appearance of actors for which he had a great cast, each with their minutes to shine. Going from one crazy scene to the next. Certainly, all this chaos can overwhelm the viewer. Some may be repulsed, others will love it, because these well choreographed and well acted rampages, I quite enjoy them.
Author: @aibi93

The paranormal approach they give it is very well handled although there are certain points that I can't quite understand, like the dreams that the protagonist's sister has. I can't fully understand what their function is. While, in the end, it is explained, it doesn't quite convince me entirely like the fact of the black phone that gives the movie its title. I think it's good that the movie has this title since it stole the spotlight at all times. It was very original to integrate it into the plot, I really liked too much a phone that manages to connect with the afterlife.
Author: @ikigaidesign

This series has some relationship with "The Curse of Hill House ”, starting with the characters, where we will see again (Victoria Pedretti), in the role of the nanny, we can recognize her in her previous role as one of the sisters in the family in Hill House; she certainly gave a good performance, in both series, she stole the lead role.
Author: @karinxxl

I noticed it a couple of times and recognized a couple of songs and decided to take a look on Spotify to see what was all in the playlists. And wow there were a couple of gems in there. If you have nothing to do, you can also just open that playlist and enjoy hours of decent classics.
Author: @honeydue

It's an interesting observation on some very dark history, for sure, but it's also, I think, a slip of the mask. In truth, Benjj's not asking "how dare you", he's saying "how dare I". Somehow, even though he's living a much happier, more privileged life than his grandmother, he is still in constant pain. And like most people who are struggling, he counts that as a primary fault, also. How dare my stupid life hurt when others have it worse out there, or out back?
Author: @netflixr

Another thing that surprised me is that the year that the film and I think the novella takes place in is 2024 and this is always interesting to me when the "distant future" portrayed in films and books happens to actually be in the past for those of us living today. This little surprise is nice to me because I find it really interesting to see what people 40-50 years ago imagined that the future would be like.
Author: @actioncats

Now, what do I like about this movie, the first thing is that its mix between human actors and 3D technology to represent the animals, plus we see animals with flaws and stories for example Bagheera had lived in captivity and had marks to show it, Shere Khan is a Bengal tiger who has a broken leg, but that does not stop him from being a fierce hunter of men, which is why they are looking for him, plus he has the help of a henchman.
Congratulations to everyone that was chosen, and thank you to everyone posting in Movies and TV Shows! We look forward to the next report and highlighting even more of you.
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