Movies & TV Shows Community Highlight #999

in Movies & TV Shows2 months ago
Authored by @namiks


Hello! As part of our ongoing efforts to improve both interaction and curation in the Movies and TV Shows Community, this post is one of many to highlight and boost members of the past week that have posted what we believe is exceptional content.

The Details

Each week, our Moderators will monitor the posts within the Movies and TV Shows Community and handpick the ones that are believed to stand out under numerous factors: post quality, length, and subject.

There are no entry requirements, and this is not a contest, but simply a roundup intended to provide additional exposure to all of you for your efforts. Just have fun posting in the Movies & TV Shows Community and five or more posts will be chosen frequently.


Author: @yulilemus

MA, the face of a deranged mind! (2019) 🎞️🍿 • Review •

In some moments of the film we have flashback of a younger Sue Ann who suffered from rejection and bullying in high school, very bad the truth, all this created in her many problems that she carried with her until her adulthood, the unexpected twist of the plot was that those teenagers who bullied her in high school were the parents of this group of boys who had in their basement all weekends doing parties, Casuality?, decided to come in a very grotesque way the truth is that here the film if it takes a little relevance why she taking advantage of her job at the veterinarian used sedatives to put her victims to sleep, everything ended in chaos, here something that particularly caught my attention was that she had a teenage daughter in a wheelchair and really that link we did not see on screens, she had her daughter locked up and I can intuit that Sue Ann has Munchausen syndrome, there is a very famous case in the United States, that of gypsy rose, who also ended up planning the death of his mother because he made her look sick when she really had nothing, all this was done to attract attention and generate pity, I would have liked to see more of this relationship that is certainly something very strong and that would have generated that the first part of the film was not so boring.


Author: @netflixr

The Count of Monte Cristo (series): Just wrapped this up and it is the best series I have seen in a while

One thing about basing a mini-series on a book is that unless the studio is known for being greedy bastards, you already know that they are going to wrap things up in one season. Before I started watching this I made sure that they didn't try to stretch this out in a Hobbit sort of way to attempt to milk the audience as much as possible. It gets to the point and then gets it done then wraps it up and bids you adieu, which to me, is just perfect.


Author: @wiseagent

MOVIE REVIEW: “Something in the Water” (2024)

In short, I could easily say that Something in the Water is one of the least impactful shark-related “aquatic threat” movies I’ve ever had the opportunity to watch. Add to that a group of relatively boring characters (played by a laughable cast), a plot that often seems to go in circles, and a minimally questionable production level that is poorly directed by someone with no care whatsoever, and you have the “recipe” for a product that was born to fail. Perhaps, it would have worked better as just another straight-to-TV movie.


Author: @soyunasantacruz

Analysis of the second season of the squid game / Análisis de la segunda temporada del juego del calamar

About the games, the only one that is repeated is the red light and green light, the others that they present are still children's games but that are not known in my culture, the only one that I do recognize is the spinning top, if I had been inside the movie I would die in the first episode 🤣. Returning to the series, the writers did not leave anything to chance, everything has a meaning, for example this time I realized that the numbers of the participants are related to their stories and personality. The number 01 is the leader, the dark part, the root of the system, the last number, which is that of the protagonist 456, is in everyone's eyes the best human, the one who wants to change the world.


Author: @cristiancaicedo

The Last Metro (1980): art as an act of resistance | el arte como acto de resistencia

However, that doesn't mean that it was easy to carry out these shows because there were many obstacles: censorship, shortages, the conditions imposed by the occupiers, of which one of the first was to expel any Jews who had anything to do with with those spaces. Directors, actors, scriptwriters, and even cleaning staff or ushers... if they were Jews, they had to be fired, expelled from the country or detained for interrogation and subsequent imprisonment. That is the reason why director Lucas Steiner leaves Paris, leaving his wife Marion and his assistant director in charge of the theater.


Author: @davidpena21

Apocalipsis Z: El principio del fin

So little by little details of great quality are coming out and above all that survival of the human being and the ability he has to face dangerous situations and thus put his life at risk. In addition, other things that this installment has and in its short duration, allows you to see all kinds of people and each one on their own way and it is something that happens both in movies and in real life, where if everyone united and teamwork is done surely can survive against all those zombies, under the same rule and power.


Author: @belkisa758

Gladiador II Opinión

From my expert point of view, I think the objective of the film is clear, to entertain. As in many other epic films, the gladiators offer nothing but entertainment. Each character makes us get in touch with them so that we disconnect and enjoy ourselves.



Congratulations to everyone that was chosen, and thank you to everyone posting in Movies and TV Shows! We look forward to the next report and highlighting even more of you.

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