Very good your review of Hellraiser; I saw the first four movies and this new one, I liked this reboot although as I wrote in my review I was expecting more bloody scenes. It has good characters, Riley's character is annoying at the beginning, but I like that just that way of being is something important for the movie, the other thing was the new Pinhead that I really liked her attitude, intelligence and even humor, good interpretation.
She convinced me to watch Significant Other, I didn't know that Mika Monroe worked, for me she is a great Scream Queen, I have seen her in films like It Follows and Watcher, I think that film is in Shudder, I recommend it 100%; well, I will watch that film because of her.
House of Dragons has happened to me the same as with GoT; that so many people talk about a production sometimes makes me stay away and I watch them much later, although with this series I have seen several episodes and I know what it is about, sometimes I find it hard to get hooked, but with what happened last Sunday and that finally The Dance of the Dragons will begin, then I will watch with great expectation these last two episodes.