
I presume you have seen all the saga of the Hobbit and the Lord of the rings, I love all of Harry Potter, and I really enjoyed all of the fantastic animals, the crimes of Grindelwald and the secrets of Dumbledore, I love Star Wars, although there is a series that I thought it sucked, I will not say the name because I must make a review, the first two of underworld I like, all of Narnia, I don't know if you have seen a Prime video series called Carnival Row, it's only two seasons, they mix fairies, centaurs, fauns and others living together with humans in the Victorian era, I love all the Pirates of the Caribbean, the two Enchanted movies, the Spiderwick Chronicles, the Neverending Story, Sleepy Hollow, Pan's Labyrinth, ChiHiro's Journey (this is an anime).

He recommended a film based on real life facts called Amistad directed by Steven Spielberg and although the critics bashed it, it was nominated, I believe, for 4 Oscars.