Hype House (series): A show so bad it makes me angry that it was made

in Movies & TV Shows2 years ago

Do you remember way back when reality television first began? I don't know exactly when it happened but I think that it might have been Big Brother or The Real World that got it all started. Later things became what I considered to be more entertaining such as Survivor or even The Mole as it became more of a contest involving some sort of physical games that people had to complete in order to progress.

Then we kind of started to focus almost entirely on romance and that is where I started to tune out.

Hype House takes on a totally new approach but the reason why this show is so unbearable isn't because of its originality, it is because of the insufferable people that star on it.


The only reason why I even took a look at this show is because I recently watched The Real Bling Ring and in that show the narrator talked about how celebrities used to mostly be recognized because of their immense talent towards a particular art form, these days it is just their lives that can make someone famous. I can see how this is the case because the Kardashians are some of the most famous and wealthy people in the world and to this day, I don't really even know what any of them do other than date or marry Kanye West.

In Hype House a bunch of early 20's California types are put into a luxury mansion and they spend the day making content in the hopes of gaining more followers. As someone that never really got into TikTok I already have a difficult time relating to this craze but hey! You people, do whatever you want.


When the contestants aren't making 10 second stupid dance videos or taking sexy selfies, they are put into rather forced situations where they have to talk to one another and I don't know if we were supposed to be impressed with their minds, but almost all of them just come across as cringe. I can appreciate good cringe but almost everyone in this series is just a vapid, soul-less individual who takes themselves way too seriously. Considering the fact that nobody on this show is actually famous, how is it that they were meant to get followers in the first place if it weren't for this show. I'll tell you what would happen if not for this show: Nothing. I suppose that Hype House was supposed to actually grow these Gen-Z people's followers and perhaps it did. I can't imagine the kind of person that would see what they are producing and think to themselves "I want to see more of that!"

Whenever one of them talks about their "career" for the 12th time in the past hour, I want to reach through the screen and slap them. Every single person on this show come across as a self-obsessed entitled brat and for the most part, I think that is exactly what they are.

I think that idolizing people like this is one of the major things that is wrong with society these days and since most people are never going to have access to this level of promotion that watching this could negatively contribute to a decline in teenage mental health - as if we needed any more of that.

Thankfully this show absolutely bombed and is currently the lowest rated series to ever have been on Netflix.


I think that for anyone over the age of 30 and still most sane individuals below that age, that this show will be amusing for 20 minutes or so until you realize that the show is not making fun of the people on it and the people on it are dead serious when they refer to their phone stuff as being a career. Then it just becomes annoying and sad. The forced drama that takes place between the various contestants - if that is even what they are - is so cringe-worthy and unrealistic that it becomes more difficult to watch than the gore sequences in Saw.

I fear for humanity if this is the way that people in their 20's think these days.

Should I watch it?

I think you should have a look for a few minutes just to see how absolutely awful this show is and honestly, how awful 90% of the people that are on it are as well. Then, return to your real life and then maybe go outside for a while and leave your phone at home. I honestly feel bad for all the people that are on this show because to me, they are a laughing stock of truly out-of-touch adults (I guess) that are almost certainly going to fail in life.

Since Netflix has all but buried the existence of this show, you should find it easy to avoid


This is like a chick flick in my eyes and I am not tempted. Saw the mole come up on my cyberflix and have been tempted, but haven't got round to it yet. The new Jack Ryan is out and should be good.

Mole was OK. I watched it during the first season when Anderson Cooper was the host before he got into politics over at CNN. I'm a bit surprised that they made it past that first season though because the audience and the participants were aware of who "The Mole" was really early on in the season. It was evident despite their best efforts at selective editing of the scenes.

I haven't seen this show but with this review, I think it's worth the 20 mins watch to see how much stupidity is going on in some teens' minds nowadays.

if it takes that long for the cringe to set in, I would be very surprised.

Definitely I will stay away

you are making the right decision!

This show probably gives you eye cancer if you watch it too much ha, ha, ha, heck I'm sure of it xD