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RE: Hellraiser (2022) - To The Point - Movie Review

in Movies & TV Shows2 years ago

The dialogue between the main characters was just not very good at all... constant arguing, not believing the main female character even after they had a lot of evidence to do so using her status as an addict was a weak basis for this disbelief... and someone must have said "we don't have time for this!" 25x in the movie... the fact that the manor was meticulously built by a very wealthy person but somehow everyone was just able to walk into the place etc.


yeah, the conveniently hole in front of the window which she got in through was a bit too.. convenient. that said, i didn't find, overall, nothing that lingered on as bad, though. maybe i've just been watching too much crap movies lately!

let's not forget about how even though she struggled to get into the house at all her friends just walked through the front door!

as for that, she opened the door, or some windowed door at some point. i thought it was weird at the time but hey that allowed her friends to enter!

well i guess so. I don't recall that part. I guess you were paying much closer attention than I was. I will admit that the film didn't get completely ridiculous until they got to the house. I actually thought it was pretty great up to that point but then it just all fell apart for me.

yeah its not a bad movie! the house bit did get a bit too "scooby doo" but with the Celo-somethings showing up the scooby dooby dooness faded away. its just a shame the celobites where not cool enough. it would have been a very rewatchable movie