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RE: Inception (2010) | Movie Review | Leonardo Di Carpio, Christopher Nolan

in Movies & TV Shows4 years ago

I remember this movie coming out at a time that I was rather anti-Leo and therefore skipped it while it was in theaters. What a massive mistake that was! I don't think that DiCaprio's performance is particularly noteworthy but the film in general was just so different and wonderful that I don't think any other film really fits into the same category as this masterpiece.

Even though I have seen it multiple times I may actually watch it again soon.


Its so good and well worth another watch.

Lol why were you anti Leo? The movie has many excellent actors and I think Joseph Gordon Levitt was excellent. Didn't he win best supporting actor for his role? 🤔

Didn't he win best supporting actor for his role?

no idea, i'll go have a look. No he didn't. They won a bunch of technical awards though and they certainly deserved that.

I was anti-Leo because I don't think he is a good actor for the most part. He is not a believable adult and this is why basically everyone except Leo was nominated for something in Titanic other than him. I feel as though he gets good roles because of his connections in Hollywood and this all began when he was a pretty-boy marketing fella. I don't think he deserved Best Actor for The Revenant... If any of his films should have been considered his "best" it would be Blood Diamond IMO.