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RE: La razón de estar contigo.// The reason to be with you. (Es-En)

in Movies & TV Shows4 years ago

@hivewatchers Hello, I am writing to you because I need you to consider my opportunity to opt for an appeal, since I consider it unfair on your part that for a publication where apparently you have doubts about it, such as plagiarism, they suspend my entire blog, if you verify all the content that I have published Up to the present date they are completely my authorship, the invitation is open to you to review each of my publications and read them completely so that you can verify your doubts. In addition to that I emphasize that the content they consider has been plagiarism, it is the opinion regarding a movie, it should be noted that it is almost impossible to make an opinion different from other sources when talking about the same story, there may be similarity but that is not it means that it is plagiarism. I appreciate you take my opinion into account in this comment and evaluate my situation as soon as possible. and THAT I HAVE TRIED TO COMMUNICATE WITH YOU THROUGH DISCORD AND I HAVE NO ACCESS.