I recently watched this thrilling gritty Sci Fi Anime on Netflix. Cyberpunk: Edgerunners follows a street kid named David, who struggles to survive in a technology and modified-body obsessed world set in the future. When he gets in trouble he turns to modifying his body himself in order to stay live. The mods are particularly dangerous to human beings, but David proves to be surprisingly resilient. He joins a band of Cyber mercenaries, taking on all manners of danger and proving to be very talented.
When his team gets betrayed he must step up to the plate and lead the team to defeat their enemies at all cost.
This anime was thrilling. The action was intense with gun fights, martial arts, tech battles, car chases, crashes and explosions. Throw in some curse words and nudity for good measure, this anime is not for kids. The cinematography is great, electrifying colour design amazing character designs and very memorable characters.
Already ranked 8.6/10 on IMDB, 100% on Rotten Tomatoes and 98% liked on Google ratings. This limited series is a big hit for Netflix. Check it out when you get a chance, especially if you like futuristic action sci fi.
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