in Movies & TV Shows2 years ago (edited)

Edge of Tomorrow is a 2014 sci-fi/action film that imcoporates the concepts of time manipulation, aliens, and advanced technology.


It has been quite a long time now since I checked out films, as life has been giving me harder levels to play by the day. I, however, managed to find time to relax for a bit and unwind. I turned to my regular streaming service, Netflix, for movie recommendations.

As usual, there were countless films that just did not sit well with me, as their catalog is so wide. Their system should know what I like by now, but that may still take a while as is customary with such a large catalog, there were a plethora of films that just didn't sit well with me. Their system should know what I like by now, but I guess it could take some time because I have seen a lot of movies in different genres.

In my quest to find something worthwhile, I found Edge of Tomorrow, and I chose it for just one reason: It has the concept of time manipulation, technology, and aliens all in one .

Time travel and things like that always pique my interest, so I just jumped right into it. It, however, isn't like the usual time travel stuff I am used to, but it wasn't something that was unfamiliar territory.

Being a concept that I am very familiar with, there was a lot I felt about the movie. And that is why we are here now: to review it. But first, let's delve into the plot a little bit for proper context.



Earth has been invaded by aliens, and they have been wreaking havoc on humanity. However, humanity will not go down without a fight. Intelligent minds eventually found a way to fight back with some advanced technology developed for soldiers.

The soldiers are now equipped with jacket technology that enhances their abilities while also providing better firepower and protection. With this, they can level the playing field against the aliens.

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Williams Cage (Tom Cruise) is a military officer but has zero experience in the field. He only represents the military for national appearances. Unfortunately, he gets "railroaded" by the general, and he is taken to the field as a private in the military.

He is suitably equipped for battle and sent with his assigned squad to the battlefront against the aliens. Unknown to them all, the aliens knew they were coming. They get ambushed, and he dies in battle.

The moment he dies, he finds himself in the same place he was a day ago when he woke up on the training ground. He finds himself confused but still goes about the day the same way he did the first time. This happens again, and he realises he is "respawning" after every death.

He meets a lady, Rita Vrataski, who happens to understand what he is going through. She makes him realise that it is a weapon they could use to their advantage to defeat the aliens, as they are always one step ahead of them.

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They keep repeating the day to figure out ways to defeat the enemy. However, they encounter resistance that they did not anticipate with each reset. Together, they form an alliance to battle the aliens.



Definitely, repeating a day is something that will look cool. You would have the power to manipulate that day and shape it in the manner in which you would like it to go. And I guess life would be way easier that way.

However, the thing about the universe is that there are countless possible ways a day could go. So, you really may never get the exact day you may have had in mind. This was particularly the case with William and Rita.


The story demonstrates how infinite the timelines are for just one day. And having the opportunity to reset the day and have another chance to fix it does not really guarantee that you will actually fix it.

Unlike traditional time travel, where one can travel back in time and return to the original timeline only to find differences due to changes made in the past, this one is more like a video game. It is basically like "respawning." If you lose, you repeat the same level (or day).

This is not a new approach, but it is an interesting one. However, as interesting a concept as it may be, it is not one that an excellent storyline can be easily constructed for.


The film appeared to take a shortcut in explaining the origin of the entire situation, which is that aliens have invaded and are attempting to take over the earth.They managed to do that in the beginning, but the implication for me was that it was too much information that did not even provide enough context for the audience to work with.

There was very little information as to how the aliens arrived, how they related, and how they communicated. There was only a little information provided in the movie, just sufficient enough to understand why some "moves" were to be taken.

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It then made me realise that the directors were aiming for action and the thrill of it all. There was less sci-fi compared with the action they delivered. But the action sufficed.

However, I do appreciate the ingenuity employed in delivering the story. You see, since you are repeating a day, you are bound to encounter the majority of all that you have witnessed the first time, together with the other times, over and over again. The consequential result would be "boring."

Somehow, I personally did not feel the storyline as ingeminated. Despite the fact that this was partially true. They achieved this by showing different aspects of the day that we had previously not seen, and by showing things that we had seen in a different way, yet with an element of intrigue.

Of course, with any story that has to do with aliens, we already have a glimpse of how the story might actually end; it is normal. What matters is how we get there. It is either a bumpy and purposeless ride, or a sublime one worth appraisal.


One aspect that affects how the story is delivered is what we actually see. That is, how the story is presented to us, visually. This is the major reason why cinematography should never be taken lightly in this regard.

It is astounding as to how the film industry has grown in this field of cinematography, and yet, the films of many years ago still stand firm with their level of quality. I may not have even noticed that the film is about 8 years old, as the whole cinematography touch then was quite "solid." It is something to commend.

It is a sci-fi/action film, and this can make filmmakers exaggerate things. I did not feel as though there was too much done. It all seemed to be in the right proportion.


There are two main characters, William and Rita. William, played by Tom Cruise, is the main character. And Rita, played by Emily Blunt, is the supporting character.

I have always loved Tom Cruise and his ability to convey the right emotions through his roles in films. Although this is an old movie, depending how you see it, and there are many movies where he has done more challenging and incredible work, I find his performance here with his character to be superb. Being one of the highest-paid actors is not something to joke about.

Emily Blunt is a multiple award-winning actor, and her performance in this movie did not reflect any less. She is one actress that I would always see a movie if she starred in it.

There were, of course, other actors in the film. I found some familiar faces that were not big shots then, but are now on the big screens too. Franz Drameh is an example.



Edge of Tomorrow is a movie that I would have run towards its sequel had it been continued. The fact that it was able to deliver such an interesting story packed with action is something I really appreciate.

Other than a few laps here and there, it did good. As a result, I'm going to give it a 𝟟/𝟙𝟘.



Edge of Tomorrow is a 2014 sci-fi/action film that imcoporates the concepts of time manipulation, aliens, and advanced technology.

Hace ya bastante tiempo que no reviso las películas, ya que la vida me ha ido dando niveles más difíciles de jugar cada día. Sin embargo, he conseguido encontrar tiempo para relajarme un poco y desconectar. Recurrí a mi servicio habitual de streaming, Netflix, para que me recomendara películas.

Como de costumbre, había innumerables películas que no me gustaban, ya que su catálogo es muy amplio. Su sistema debería saber ya lo que me gusta, pero todavía puede tardar un Como es habitual en un catálogo tan amplio, había una plétora de películas que no me gustaban. Su sistema debería saber ya lo que me gusta, pero supongo que podría tardar algún tiempo porque he visto muchas películas de distintos géneros.

En mi búsqueda de algo que valga la pena, encontré Al filo del mañana, y la elegí por una sola razón: tiene el concepto de manipulación del tiempo, tecnología y extraterrestres, todo en uno.

Los viajes en el tiempo y cosas así siempre despiertan mi interés, así que me metí de lleno en ella. Sin embargo, no es el típico viaje en el tiempo al que estoy acostumbrado, pero tampoco es algo que me resulte desconocido.

Al ser un concepto con el que estoy muy familiarizado, había muchas cosas que sentía en la película. Y por eso estamos aquí ahora: para reseñarla. Pero primero, profundicemos un poco en la trama para tener un contexto adecuado.



La Tierra ha sido invadida por extraterrestres, que han causado estragos en la humanidad. Sin embargo, la humanidad no caerá sin luchar. Las mentes inteligentes acaban encontrando una forma de contraatacar con una tecnología avanzada desarrollada para los soldados.

Los soldados están ahora equipados con una tecnología de chaquetas que mejora sus habilidades al tiempo que les proporciona una mejor potencia de fuego y protección. Con esto, pueden nivelar el campo de juego contra los alienígenas.

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Williams Cage (Tom Cruise) es un oficial militar pero tiene cero experiencia en el campo. Sólo representa al ejército en las apariciones nacionales. Desgraciadamente, el general le "encasilla" y le lleva al campo de batalla como soldado raso del ejército.

Se le equipa adecuadamente para la batalla y se le envía con su escuadrón asignado al frente de batalla contra los alienígenas. Sin que todos lo sepan, los alienígenas sabían que iban a venir. Les tienden una emboscada y él muere en la batalla.

En el momento en que muere, se encuentra en el mismo lugar en el que estaba hace un día cuando se despertó en el campo de entrenamiento. Se encuentra confundido, pero sigue haciendo el día de la misma manera que la primera vez. Esto vuelve a suceder y se da cuenta de que "resurge" después de cada muerte.

Conoce a una mujer, Rita Vrataski, que entiende por lo que está pasando. Ella le hace comprender que es un arma que podrían utilizar en su beneficio para derrotar a los alienígenas, ya que siempre están un paso por delante de ellos.

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Siguen repitiendo el día para encontrar la manera de derrotar al enemigo. Sin embargo, con cada reinicio encuentran una resistencia que no habían previsto. Juntos, forman una alianza para luchar contra los alienígenas.



Definitivamente, repetir un día es algo que quedará muy bien. Tendrías el poder de manipular ese día y darle la forma que te gustaría que tuviera. Y supongo que la vida sería mucho más fácil de esa manera.

Sin embargo, lo que ocurre con el universo es que hay innumerables formas posibles de que un día se desarrolle. Por lo tanto, es posible que nunca tengas el día exacto que tenías en mente. Este fue el caso, en particular, de William y Rita.


La historia demuestra lo infinitas que son las líneas de tiempo para un solo día. Y tener la oportunidad de reiniciar el día y tener otra oportunidad de arreglarlo no garantiza realmente que se vaya a arreglar.

A diferencia de los viajes en el tiempo tradicionales, en los que uno puede viajar hacia atrás en el tiempo y volver a la línea temporal original sólo para encontrar diferencias debidas a los cambios realizados en el pasado, éste es más parecido a un videojuego. Es básicamente como "respawning". Si pierdes, repites el mismo nivel (o día).

No es un enfoque nuevo, pero sí interesante. Sin embargo, por muy interesante que sea el concepto, no es uno para el que se pueda construir fácilmente un excelente argumento.


La película pareció tomar un atajo para explicar el origen de toda la situación, que es que los extraterrestres han invadido y están intentando apoderarse de la tierra.Lo consiguieron al principio, pero la implicación para mí fue que era demasiada información que ni siquiera proporcionaba suficiente contexto para que el público pudiera trabajar.

Había muy poca información sobre cómo llegaron los alienígenas, cómo se relacionaban y cómo se comunicaban. En la película se proporcionó muy poca información, sólo la suficiente para entender por qué había que hacer algunos "movimientos".

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Entonces me di cuenta de que los directores buscaban la acción y la emoción. Había menos ciencia ficción en comparación con la acción que ofrecían. Pero la acción era suficiente.

Sin embargo, aprecio el ingenio empleado en el desarrollo de la historia. Verás, como estás repitiendo un día, estás obligado a encontrar la mayoría de todo lo que has presenciado la primera vez, junto con las otras veces, una y otra vez. El resultado consecuente sería "aburrido".

De alguna manera, yo personalmente no sentí el argumento tan ingeminado. A pesar de que esto era parcialmente cierto. Lo consiguieron mostrando diferentes aspectos del día que no habíamos visto anteriormente, y mostrando cosas que habíamos visto de una manera diferente, pero con un elemento de intriga.

Por supuesto, con cualquier historia que tenga que ver con extraterrestres, ya tenemos una idea de cómo podría terminar la historia en realidad; es normal. Lo que importa es cómo llegamos allí. O es un viaje accidentado y sin sentido, o uno sublime que vale la pena valorar.


Un aspecto que afecta a la forma en que se transmite la historia es lo que realmente vemos. Es decir, cómo se nos presenta la historia, visualmente. Esta es la razón principal por la que la cinematografía nunca debe tomarse a la ligera en este sentido.

Es sorprendente cómo ha crecido la industria del cine en este campo de la cinematografía y, sin embargo, las películas de hace muchos años siguen manteniendo su nivel de calidad. Puede que ni siquiera me haya dado cuenta de que la película tiene unos 8 años, ya que todo el toque cinematográfico de entonces era bastante "sólido". Es algo digno de elogio.

Es una película de ciencia ficción/acción, y esto puede hacer que los cineastas exageren las cosas. No me pareció que se hiciera demasiado. Todo parecía estar en la proporción adecuada.


Hay dos personajes principales, William y Rita. William, interpretado por Tom Cruise, es el personaje principal. Y Rita, interpretada por Emily Blunt, es el personaje secundario.

Siempre me ha gustado Tom Cruise y su capacidad para transmitir las emociones adecuadas a través de sus papeles en las películas. Aunque esta es una película vieja, según se mire, y hay muchas películas en las que ha hecho trabajos más desafiantes e increíbles, su actuación aquí con su personaje me parece soberbia. Ser uno de los actores mejor pagados no es algo para bromear.

Emily Blunt es una actriz ganadora de múltiples premios, y su actuación en esta película no fue menos. Es una actriz que siempre vería una película si la protagoniza ella.

Había, por supuesto, otros actores en la película. Encontré algunas caras conocidas que entonces no eran grandes actores, pero que ahora también están en las grandes pantallas. Franz Drameh es un ejemplo.



Al filo del mañana es una película de la que habría corrido hacia su secuela de haberla continuado. El hecho de que haya sido capaz de ofrecer una historia tan interesante y llena de acción es algo que realmente aprecio.

Aparte de algunas vueltas aquí y allá, lo hizo bien. Como resultado, voy a darle un 𝟟/𝟙𝟘.

ɪ ɪɴᴠɪᴛᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴛᴏ ᴊᴏɪɴ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴏᴍᴍᴜɴɪᴛʏ ɪғ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡᴏᴜʟᴅ ʟɪᴋᴇ ᴛᴏ sᴇᴇ ᴍᴏʀᴇ ғɪʟᴍ ʀᴇᴠɪᴇᴡs ʙʏ ᴀᴡᴇsᴏᴍᴇ ᴀᴜᴛʜᴏʀs.

ℍ𝕖𝕪, 𝕚𝕗 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕖𝕟𝕛𝕠𝕪𝕖𝕕 𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕤 𝕡𝕠𝕤𝕥, 𝕜𝕚𝕟𝕕𝕝𝕪 𝕝𝕖𝕒𝕧𝕖 𝕒 𝕔𝕠𝕞𝕞𝕖𝕟𝕥, 𝕣𝕖𝕓𝕝𝕠𝕘, 𝕠𝕣 𝕦𝕡𝕧𝕠𝕥𝕖. 𝕀𝕥'𝕝𝕝 𝕤𝕦𝕣𝕖 𝕓𝕖 𝕒𝕡𝕡𝕣𝕖𝕔𝕚𝕒𝕥𝕖𝕕.

T͜͡H͜͡A͜͡N͜͡K͜͡ ͜͡Y͜͡O͜͡U͜͡ ͜͡F͜͡O͜͡R͜͡ ͜͡S͜͡T͜͡O͜͡P͜͡P͜͡I͜͡N͜͡G͜͡ ͜͜͜͜͡͡͡͡B͜͡Y͜͡


I do like Emily Blunt so might check this out:)
Popped in today from Dreemport

Emily Blunt is an absolutely incredible actress. Have you seen A Quiet Place? She plays one of the lead roles, and she did so with top notch performance.

Thank you for popping in!

Oh yes I have I seen A Quiet Place, she is awesome in that!
my pleasure and you enjoy your week!

Then you already know how much of a talented actress she is.

Have a great week too!

That I do:)

What an awesome review!!! I wish I was there to see the movie with you 😪.

The time travel in this movie made me remember the free guy and others, it was really interesting seeing as they get the chance to live a day all over till they got it right.

This movie needs me to see it, I will always be on the look out for it because I don't download movies and I don't do Netflix, it's send I normally send them 😁.

I wish I was there to see the movie with you

It is just distance that is standing between us. We sure could have seen it together.

You have seen Free Guy too? That's nice. I remember how he had to relive the whole day with the same scenarios, over and over again. It was until something sparked up in him that he broke character and started behaving less like an NPC (non-playable character).

Be on the look out for it. You sure will enjoy it.
Happy Birthday again, Queen.

Yeah, distance 😪.

Of course I've seen free guy, it's one of my favorite movies of Reynolds. I literally enjoyed every scene, If I were to rate that movie, I will give it a 9/10, what about you?

Sure, I will, I should after all you recommended it 😊.

Awwn, thank you so much for wishing me a happy birthday again, I really appreciate it a lot and that queen is giving me goosebumps oo 🥺🥺.

The only thing I don't like about this movie is that so far they haven't continued it, I would like to see the second part, hopefully it won't be like Top Gun and the second part will be released years later haha.

I really do not understand why they do that sometimes, the filmmakers. They usually know that their films have been well received, yet, they still chose not to make a sequel.

If they do eventually make a sequel to the film, it really would be great, regardless how long it took.

I am looking forward to watching this movie on Netflix. I just hope that it is already showing there. Is the leading girl there come from the Quiet place movie?

Guess what? You are in absolute luck, because it actually is on the streaming service, Netflix.

And yes, the leading girl, Emily Blunt, is the same one from A Quiet Place. You are quite observant.
I just sent you some Ecency points your way for that.

Yey!! Thanks for the ecency points dude! ❤️🥰
Same with the review. Since I love sci-fi, I'll definitely watch this after the sandman.

But yeah, upon checking my Netflix rn, I didn't see the movie listed there. Maybe I'll look for it on some telegram free movie bots. 😹

Oh, you are currently seeing the Sandman. I saw it two weeks ago. However, I am just learning that there has not been the release of the last episode, episode 11; the one about a cat. I am yet to see that episode.

You did not see "Edge of Tomorrow" listed? That is wierd. I watched it on Netflix. This is the link to the movie.

hihi I am watching sandman un-continuously. I think I stopped in the mid of episode 2. I wanted to finish it without seeing some spoilers that's why I do not open any movie groups in FB,..

Anyways, the link you shared with me redirects to the movie edge of tomorrow but it says that it will remind me once it became available. Maybe not avail in my country for now?


I am watching sandman un-continuously.

It is the same way I watched it too. I kept taking breaks. However, it got to a point where I got glued till the end.

Maybe not avail in my country for now?

I think that may actually be the case. You may need to use VPN set for another country to actually see it.

My sincere apologies for ghosting our conversation. Somethings came up and made me really inactive for a few days her. I just sent you some Ecency points as a token.

Agghhhh I am still in episode 2. Got a lot of workloads and case studies that's why I'm having some struggles to find a time for netflix.

You may need to use VPN set for another country to actually see it.

Yeah but if I use vpn, i'll be no longer access to some sites that forbids vpn hihi. But since you replied again, I'll be asking my boyfriend to find this movie somewhere hihi.

My sincere apologies for ghosting our conversation.

No worries. I am also busy with my studies but I always make sure that I won't miss every interactions and comments here. 😊

The concept behind time travel hardly creates any sameness or logic. This is to say that I have seen different TV series and movies that portrays time travel in different light. But this one is absolutely unique. I tend to think that Hollywood does something and that's trying to recycle some of these big stars who are now old in order to make big box office gains. A younger man could have played Tom cruise. It's a action movie though, even if he got a more relaxed role.

@tipu curate for your efforts

Time travel is one that complex, hence the reason why many movies get to explore and portray it in different lights. It is mainly because it is something that has never been done, only hypothesized.

I agree with you that Hollywood does try to recycle the big stars in order to make more gains. This, however, has a big implication on the visibility of the upcoming actors. Therefore putting a lot of them outside the spotlight for too long. We kinda need fresh talent and faces.

Thank you for the tip, man. I really appreciate.

This movie has been on my list for months now but no time to watch it😂. I really love Tom cruise films. Thanks for sharing

I think with these few words of mine, I have been able to convince you to get it off your list and onto your screen for your enjoyment. LOL.

I am glad you found my review useful.

I've heard of this movie, I wasn't interested but your review makes me want to watch it. Maybe, I will, soon

The movie was released in 2014. That is most likely why many do not know it. It, however, does not fall off the caliber of "quality movies" as you could tell from my review.

Ayayaya! Truly, this sounds interesting. Maybe If i ever get registered on Netflix 😂. Came in through Dreemport

You could put in your list. Do you know about You could use it to track movies you have seen, and movies you would like to see. Trims things down a little bit.

There was very little information as to how the aliens arrived, how they related, and how they communicated.

Well, I guess this was to stir up some suspense and make the viewers inquisitive. But for this not to later on be explained by the movie is uncalled for.

I have only heard of Tom Cruise among the names here. And I know for him to be in one it must be more than dope. I believe they defeated the aliens and saved planet earth.

In the aspect of cinematography, spending money well to make movies did not just start yesterday. Even if you see some Michael Jackson music videos, you will still see the quality among its peers during its time.

I even feel that these days the producers or directors or whatever just fuel the movies with actionsl scenes and hope the cinematography would cover their incompetence...

They forget that their audience can think and feel. Many will sure see through the facade with the cinematography and see that there is no life in the storyline.

Well, you know, there are different ideas from different producers. But whatever they do, they could do more than just feeding us what is normal. Make us flow with the movie history itself not what is just on thr screen.

In recent years, filmmakers seem to be more concerned about what their audience see rather what they feel.

I feel a good prequel would have sufficed, if they were not willing to go into details as to how they aliens came to be in the main story. However, they managed to hold the story throught the film.

I agree with you that spending a lot of money to make movies is not knew. However, you'd be surprised to know the amount of films I have see with terrible cinematography, let alone in the whole film industries. Not every one is so keen to details.

Thank you for amazing comment. I have sent some Ecency points your way!

In recent years, filmmakers seem to be more concerned about what their audience see rather what they feel.

No mind them jare. They do not that low key even though we want action, we still want to known the whole story. Except Marvel that will still reveal the whole thing even though it may take 10 years.😂

For the prequel.. Yes, they could have done a flashback at least.

Marvel knows how to cook up a good story. Yet, they sometimes do terribly, failing to present an appealing story. This would be because they seem to be more interested in entertaining their audience, so much so that they lose track of what is important; a good story, maybe memorable.

They, however, seem to have amassed a large audience that seems content and happy with whatever they serve. This allows them to get away with putting in a little less effort to bring the most important thing to the table: a good story.

They have had many successes over the years, and undoubtedly, Infinity War was the most successful. However, the side effect of making everybody, or half the whole world, disappear is that they can now do whatever they want since they have "reset" the universe. The implication now is that they are bringing in new characters that are of absolute no essence and are contradicting themselves with their storylines.

Have you seen Doctor Strange 2? It was a flop, if you ask me. It was unnecessarily long and had a terrible storyline. Another reason why I say they are now contradicting themselves. How can you diss the "most powerful" superheroes that you have brought to us only for the sole purpose of hyping The Scarlett Witch? Absolute nonsensical. It was totally different from the first part, and not in a positive way.

Again, the view of the film industry is subjective. Everyone will always have their own opinions. and they will never be identical.

Yeah, Marvel has its own too.
I guess at the end here you are referring to Multiverse of Madness. Apart from what you said, It is even disrespectful to even let some heroes who have been here before (who be...) Scarlet Witch 😀. And now all hands were on deck to stop here and didnt succeed. That is like DC giving all the power to Spiderman.

I know they should fine a way around it in subsequent movies then.

Thank you for the points..😊

Hola, increible reseña, realmente la primera vez que la vi me quede dormida porque cuando empezaron a pasar la misma escena una y otra vez me canse, peroo, creo que le dare otra oportunidad a ver que tal. Saludos💜🎉

Hola, increíble crítica, realmente la primera vez que la vi me dormí porque cuando empezaron a poner la misma escena una y otra vez me cansé, pero creo que le daré otra oportunidad a ver qué tal. Saludos💜🎉

Jaja... Entiendo perfectamente que las escenas repetidas pueden haber sido aburridas. Sin embargo, si le das una oportunidad a la película, puede que descubras que es más de lo que podías pensar.


See the way you narrated this story and your opinions. I love movies genre like this too but it's the time for me. It's been a while I have watched a movie. In fact, I have been watching a movie for a week now 😆😆😆 I just don't have the time.

I will definitely add to my Netflix list and only God knows when I will watch it 😂😂

My dear, I have a movie (one o) I'm still watching for a month and it's not series 🤣


That happens to me mostly when the movie seems boring.

It's not boring at all. It's called the late bloomer. I'm just more of a book person

Oh, The Late Bloomer. I know that film. I saw the the trailer years ago, but I never got to see it. Apparently, I forgot about it. I forgot about it until now, 6 years after. Wow.

Now that you mentioned it, I am definitely seeing it next. I know it has a comedic sense to it.

Reading books it something I can do, but it really is not my thing. I do admire readers, though.

You go laff for that film 🤣

Omoooo....I already know that.

Who no go laugh for film wey one grown man is just going through puberty. Or is that not what it is about?

Make him dey go through issues with women as per his first time through such.

I am so downloading it tonight.

I now get why you are not done with it yet. It is one that you want to take time to enjoy it. Just like sipping the goodness little by little so let it last.

Hahahaha 🤣🤣🤣
There are levels to this. I am not the only one and I get master 😅


See the way you narrated this story and your opinions.

Do not mind me and my plenty talks.😁

I can totally relate to the time stuff. I only watch movies now so I could unwind and relieve myself from the day's work. So, I might as well just talk about it here when I get the chance to.

God know when you will watch it o. I have many in my lists that are at least weeks old.

I will find time to watch. It's not easy when you have enough on your plate

A solid enjoyable movie.

Yeah, I guess.

La mejor película que he visto en mi vida.
La he visto muchas veces y me encanta
Ton Cruise es tremendo actor

Jaja... ¿tantas veces? Seguro que disfrutaste de la película. Tom Cruise es un actor increíble. Seguro que no me importaría ver la película un par de veces más.

Someday I hope to see this movie. I like Tom Cruise movies. Thanks for sharing your review.

Tom Cruise is an amazing actor. He is one of my favourites, in fact. You should check out the movie. So you could enjoy what I enjoyed.

My husband and I watched this recently and it was an interesting movie. It would have been good had they made a sequel! Thanks for posting your review of the movie! Definitely an interesting one.

Honestly, a sequel to the movie would have been really amazing. I mean, it had a really interesting flow.

I am glad you found my review interesting.

I reblogged the minute I saw sci-fi. I’m really going sci-fi shopping now. I barely have a lot of those these days.

My interest got piqued as well after I saw time travel, tech and aliens.

Looks like Williams got himself in a time loop situation. I wonder what the answer to defeating the enemy is.

However, the thing about the universe is that there are countless possible ways a day could go. So, you really may never get the exact day you may have had in mind. This was particularly the case with William and Rita.

Absolutely true. EVERY decision influence the outcome of the next, and the next, and the next. Countless permutations of possibilities will arise for every single change in decision. I think that explains the butterfly effect of time travel.

I’ve seen quiet a few movies with this same story. They’re countless. I’m still interested though as long as there’s time travel. Thanks for the recommendation man! I’ll try it even with the 7/10 rating lol.

We seem to like similar genres of movies. I as well did not give much thought to seeing the movie when I read what it is about.

The butterlfy effect totally applies here. But one day really is not enough to expound the concept of butterfly effect.

You could see the movie for yourself to enjoy what I enjoyed.

In my opinion, this movie deserved a good prequel!
Thanks for sharing.


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Really, it does deserve a good prequel. It sure would have made the film more enjoyable.

Thank you for the token.

This movie was fantastic, it had original scifi elements, the action was amazing, and the plot was very intriguing, to say the least. I absolutely loved and I even consider it one of the best movies from Tom Cruise and Emily Blunt. Hopefully part 2 can be produced to see how this story can continue.

Had there been a part two to the movie, I sure would have rushed down to see it. The movie is one that could be recommended anytime, anyday, to anyone. But I do not think we will ever get a secong part to it.

It is an old movie, yet I would still consider it gold.

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This post was obtained through Dreemport.Excellent review @olujay from your perspective, I personally have never heard of it, but then I am not a big movie goer. Nice work on this!

The movie is quite old. That is probably why you have not heard of it. But then, 2014 is not too far, or is it? Either way, it is a great movie.

Thank you for your kind words.

Ame esta película y creo que la vi como 10 veces. Realmente la ciencia ficción y las películas del espacio son mis favoritas. Las actuaciones de Emily y Tom me parecieron increíbles, mas si vemos a una Emily en un papel con el que nunca la habia visto antes y de verdad, quede encantado. Creo que ha sido una de sus películas que mas me ha gustado. Excelente tu reseña amigo, visitando desde DreemPort.

Puedo relacionarme totalmente con ver la película una y otra vez. Cuando una película lo hace increíblemente bien, simplemente no puedes tener suficiente de ella. La película es una que acabo de ver, pero seguro que puedo volver a verla porque se lo merece.

Al igual que tú, nunca antes había visto a Emily interpretar un papel como este. Entonces, quedé bastante impresionado. Sin embargo, es un espectáculo antiguo. Pero lo logró incluso entonces, tanto como lo hace ahora en las principales películas. ¿Has visto Un lugar en silencio? Tiene dos partes, y ella tenía uno de los papeles principales. Es otra película donde se demuestra la excelencia de su trabajo.

Gracias por tu increíble comentario. yo aprecio

Esa película, Un Lugar en Silencio me gusto mucho también. Realmente me gusta todo lo que hace Emily Blunt y verla en estos papeles la hacen única, para mi. La escena donde un clavo entra en su pie, me dolió a mi también y en general, es excelente la película.

i absolutely LOVE this movie!!!!!!! it is one of my top 10 favorites hehehe I've seen it about 5-6 times LOLOL and I usually don't watch movies that often!!!

I also don't like things chasing people!!! hahahaha so this is so surprising that I can watch this movie again and again because of the amount of intense chasing scenes hahahaha

but its so so so good!!! and you did a fabulous job really critiquing this!!!! Excellent!

Haha... 5 times?? Well, the movie is actually one that is worth seeing over and over again.

I am really glad that you found my post useful.