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RE: Movie Review: Late Night with the Devil

The best thing about the film is David's well deserved opportunity for the leading role and he has done an excellent job, I saw this film and in fact it makes me want to see it several times, it has many details that even seem to be explored but it is left to our imagination

What I want to say is that in my opinion it is so good that it could have been given many more minutes. The Atmosphere and the Horror winks like that Famous Owl of that Place so talked about in networks where weird things are done, are so many good things

Chirtu genius, the girl along with her parapsychologist beautiful, tender and at the same time terrifying. I'm a horror fan and this has a lot to discuss because it also explores possession outside the home which almost always possession films have that, this one doesn't, this one went to a Tv Show and that's a plus to highlight narrative oriented to the genre

In fact I would be encouraged to see more films like this with this style 😎

Lo mejor del film es la oportunidad bien merecida de David para el rol protagonico y lo ha hecho excelente, vi esta película y de hecho me dan ganas de verla varias veces, tiene muchos detalles que inclusive pareciera se van a explorar pero queda a nuestra imaginación

Lo que quiero decir es que a mi pensar es tan buena que se le podía dar muchos minutos mas. La Atmosfera y los guiños de Terror como ese Famoso Buho de ese Lugar tan hablado en redes donde se hacen cosas raras, son tantas cosas buenas

Chirtu genia, la niña junto con su parapsicologa preciosa, tierna y a la vez terrorifica. Soy fan del terror y esto tiene mucho para debatir porque ademas explora la posesion fuera de la casa que casi siempre los films de posesion tienen eso, esta no, esta fue a un Tv Show y eso es un plus a destacar narrativo orientado al genero

De hecho me animaria a ver mas films así con este estilo 😎