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RE: Major Grom: Plague Doctor The Duality of a Villain

I just saw the recommendations and the film is good and I want to see its continuation, I saw the post-credits scenes and I like the idea of what I saw and even more because it keeps the villain just want to see more of him that develops better etc etc but the point is that aesthetically with the mask on the character attracts enormously, and without the mask not so much haha 😅 but the mask gives power to the character and more because incidentally I am a fan of that tone medieval plague and of course his doctors of the island Poveglia etc 😀

It is perceived in the creation of this product that its authors at all levels whether comic and cinema, you notice the American influence is present and is fluid, natural, not at all forced, it was like watching a marvel film with Russian voices and less jokes, I consume a lot of this super heroes and was quite happy with this movie 😀