Rookie Cops (2022) Reseña

in Movies & TV Shows4 months ago


👮 Rookie Cops

Hello Movies & Tvshows Community and all those fans of South Korean series. We are about to finish this year 2024, I feel very pleased to have watched a lot of k-dramas this year, although I have shared with you few reviews, the truth is that not all of them have been as good as I expected. However, there are others like this 16-episode Rookie Cops series that exceeded my expectations because of its script and as always its cute protagonists. Finding this series was super easy because I'm always checking the playlists to see what series I'm missing regardless of its year of release, I can tell you that there are a variety of productions that I have yet to see; however, here's my review of this interesting story of action, crime and romance.

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👮‍♀ What is the k-drama Rookie Cops about?

This 16-part series shows the experiences of brilliant Wi Seung-Hyun during his training to become an active member of the prestigious South Korea Police College. For Wi Seung-Hyun, getting a secure place at the university was easy, his family's influence was his ally. Becoming a police officer was a very important dream for Wi Seung-Hyun because he wanted to be like the distinguished figure of his father, who is a high commander of the South Korean police. Despite having access to training nothing goes as expected and his life as well as that of a group of his peers begins to take unexpected turns involving this group of friends in the channel to expose crimes and corruption crimes that were hidden for decades, a situation that puts Wi Seung-Hyun to the test. In this rookie police challenge, Wi Seung-Hyun crosses the path of the talented Go Eun-gang, an outgoing, persevering and cunning girl. Together they begin to search for clues to solve the crimes that cross their paths throughout the series.

Wi Seung-Hyun's support for Go Eun-gang becomes a double-edged sword that leads them to become attracted to love. Although both characters will take time to recognize that they are destined to be together. The interaction between these main characters with their group of friends from the police academy, the fun, the loyalty to their friendship make this story between police recruits is mixed with comedy, suspense and romance.

👮What I liked about Rookie Cops

Personally, I like police series in which crime and the search to solve a crime in the way of the protagonists. Rookie Cops has this characteristic that I like in a story, although being about young people it has that romance and comedy that I am used to in k-DRAMAS this is a point in its favor. On the other hand, I liked it because it shows the dark side that young people in Korea go through when they enter a school. That mistreatment that is silenced by corruption is a reality that we ignore and that seeps even in prestigious universities. Beyond all this reality, the side of friendship between the characters and all they have to sacrifice and strive for is admirable.


Rookie Cops definitely has a good script, an uncommon one in a juvenile story and that makes it stand out among others of its genre. It is a good choice to see a different story in the K-drama genre.

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👮Image Credits

👮Image 1
✔️SourceCover edited in Canva by @razzi11

👮‍♀Image 2

Texts translated into English in Deepl
Banner edited in Canva
Rookie Cops: The recruits (2022)
Series of 16 chapters
(Comedy, Romance, policial)

🌴Thanks for making it to the end of this publication💋


aah se ve buena, la tendré en cuenta para ver, buen post!

aah looks good, I'll keep it in mind to watch, good post!

100% recomendada😘