This type of movie may confuse or bore the casual viewer who just wants to watch a movie either for entertainment or just to see something and get out of the way and not be thinking about the depth of the characters or if the story makes sense, the photography, the camera angles and stop counting. All this is important to enjoy a film more and over time I have learned from those who know and that helped me to enjoy more of this type of film that is not for all audiences.
I saw it a long time ago and I talked about it in my old blog here in the community. In that opportunity I commented that the movie can be seen from different points of view and as I said before it can get you out of the loop when you think it should take a specific path and when you see that it was somewhat incomplete it can affect your opinion about it and I mean that it does not always go where you expect it to go since it has its own life, that is to say it can take different paths no matter if the obvious thing is to go to the left instead of the right.
The professional critics consider it a great film within what many categorize as the cinema of deep America that is to say the personal passion towards a very specific film genre that can vary regardless of how you see it or interpreters, the film as such has its personality but at the same time a depth that thanks to the camera angles we can understand some moments more in detail and I loved that. The interpretation of the characters is correct, we see nothing out of place and that could be the same as any person would take in a real situation, children occupy and express the emotions they might feel if something like that happens in their real life and adult characters are shown as expected to be shown in similar situations, of course this does not mean that we all act the same way, but we do not see anything exaggerated and that's perfect.
The character of David understands where he stands and struggles with his inner self the whole movie against that feeling that overwhelms him and at times makes him wonder if he has made the right decisions in every step he has taken throughout his life that has brought him to this crucial point in his life. I really enjoyed this movie a lot and would not hesitate to watch it again.
Greetings my friend! @cristiancaicedo
What an amazing contribution, thanks a lot!. It's true is not a film for the average viewer and I loved that thing you said about David and his struggle during the whole story. Thank you once again for taking the time of reading my post and leave such an excellent comment. Greetings!
Thank you very much my good friend!