Self aware AI dolls that were not properly tested before being released into "the wild", what could possibly go wrong XD What was the rating on it? Was it made PG so that kids could watch it too and hopefully learn they shouldn't be on their devices all the time? As just from what you wrote it does feel like being aimed more at adults would have made it more stylistically coherent.
I occasionally feel attacked when reading that very generic advice to "not let the devices do the parenting for you" as having watched parents do exactly that I get why and where it's coming from, but it ticks me off no end when people smugly assume that that's what I must be doing too as all my kids had unlimited access to devices from when they were quite young, they were one of many educational and recreational tools (we don't really restrict access to books or toys or outside play beyond reasonable things like content appropriateness and time of day/availability, I don't see screen as any different, and the screeching about it now seems pretty much identical to the screeching that was happening back in the day when some kids preferred to sit at home or in the library reading books instead of playing outside all day ie me as a child, though I could never keep anyone happy because I was either writing stories on our ancient computer, reading incessantly or i was running around climbing trees and things too much).
I'm not bitter in the slightest nope not me not at all lol XD
Eldest did say that maybe I should have done the 1960s childhood with them (it was the only criticism he had, he said he was glad we did everything else the way we did, he just thought that looking back he wasted too much time on games in his early-mid teen years), and we had been somewhat contemplating it but it would have been really hypocritical of us given how much time we spend on devices (J is a software engineer and I'm primarily a digital artist) and also we figured they needed to keep abreast of technology and more importantly learn how to self-regulate it precisely so they didn't binge/become reliant on it as an emotional crutch rather than just a tool (I'll have to reconsider the just a tool thing if AI ever becomes self-aware, in which case we may also need to consider a different term as the intelligence won't be artificial anymore XD and hopefully it will be slightly more friendly than killer dolls).
Mission successful there at least with the two oldest (aged 18 and 16 this year), the youngest (14 this year) is at the age where eldest was binge gaming so I'm figuring he too will mentally develop out of it eventually.
I'll have to see if J or middle child has found this one to watch yet, they may get a kick out of it (I know J would find the references amusing).