El justiciero o The Equalizer III [ESP-ENG]

in Movies & TV Showslast year (edited)



Justicia es el hábito de dar a cada cual lo suyo.
Ulpiano (170-228) Jurista romano.

Justice is the habit of giving to each what is his.
Ulpiano (170-228) Roman jurist.

Me gustaron las dos primeras películas, así que estaba en mi lista para verla, este justiciero que busca siempre proteger a los demás. A pesar de las muertes tan violentas en varias escenas, se veía a una persona que daba la oportunidad de reivindicarse y cambiar.

No tenia idea de porque el exagente McCall vivía ahora retirado en un pueblo del sur de Italia y que buscaba por aquellos lugares tan apartados, a quien estaba tratando de proteger en esta ocasión. Me dejo pensando: ¿Sería que lo contrato alguien para eliminar el mal camino de algunos en aquel pueblo apartado?

Realiza la eliminación de mucha gente mala y avisa a las autoridades de la gran cantidad de droga, pero su confianza en la humanidad lo hace cometer un error y resulta herido por un niño al que no eliminó.

Un policía lo encuentra herido en su auto y un doctor lo cura. Poco a poco recupera sus fuerzas. El justiciero encuentra en este pequeño pueblo gente sencilla que ayuda a otros. Pero no tarda en descubrir que la mafia está extorsionando a sus nuevos amigos, por lo que tomará acciones para protegerlos.

I liked the first two movies, so it was on my list to see it, this vigilante who always seeks to protect others. Despite the violent deaths in several scenes, we saw a person who gave the opportunity to vindicate himself and change.

He had no idea why former agent McCall was now living in retirement in a town in southern Italy and that he was searching in those remote places for whom he was trying to protect on this occasion. It left me thinking: Could it be that someone hired him to eliminate the evil path of some in that remote town?

He eliminates many bad people and notifies the authorities of the large amount of drugs, but his trust in humanity makes him make a mistake and he is injured by a child he did not eliminate.

A police officer finds him injured in his car and a doctor cures him. Little by little he regains his strength. The vigilante finds in this small town simple people who help others. But he soon discovers that the mafia is extorting his new friends, so he will take action to protect them.



Sentí la magia en este reencuentro y con un golpe de nostalgia por aquella película protagónica donde el actor es el guardaespaldas de la pequeña pita (Dakota Fanning). Fue un enlace bien elaborado que me agrado. Ella interpretará a una agente de la CIA y se darán información mutua.

I felt the magic in this reunion and with a touch of nostalgia for that leading film where the actor is the bodyguard of the little pita (Dakota Fanning). It was a well-crafted link that I liked. She will play a CIA agent who will give each other information.

Fuente/ Source

Dicen que es la última, por lo menos así lo anuncian como un capítulo final. Yo fácilmente seguiría disfrutando de estas habilidades y estas ganas de hacer justicia.

Si deseas una película de acción y buen sentido de justicia esta es la que debes buscar en tu agenda.

They say it's the last one, at least that's how they announce it as a final chapter. I would easily continue enjoying these skills and this desire to do justice.

If you want a movie with action and a good sense of justice, this is the one you should look for in your agenda.

Si desean más información sobre el actor Denzel Washington les comparto este enlace que me aportaron en los comentarios: https://inleo.io/@leoglossary/leoglossary-denzel-washington-actor

If you want more information about the actor Denzel Washington, I share this link that you gave me in the comments: https://inleo.io/@leoglossary/leoglossary-denzel-washington-actor



Fotos con fuente identificadas
Traducido con google (versión gratuita)

Photos with source identified
Translated with google (free version)

¡Gracias por tu visita/Thank you for your visit!


Estupenda siempre @sacra97...
Un abrazo!

Muchísimas gracias por el apoyo mi querida @avellana

When I saw the bald Denzel Washington, the whole thing looked familiar, so I hurried over and clicked your post open.

The Equalizer. One of the movies that I helped to add to the #filmglossary on @leoglossary.

I am glad to know that you've seen it and it touched you this much that you had to review it.

Even in reality, we will always come across someone who stands up for the people and fights their battles. I am sure it was worth every minute you spent watching. Thank you for sharing. 🥳🥳

PS: if it's not a bother, can you edit and link back to the glossary? We added all three parts (The Equalizer I, II, & III)

Even though you don't link back to all three, you can link back to Denzel Washington alone, someone who visits will find a comprehensive list of his movies. Thank you 🙏🏿

Here's the link.


What a good contribution, I read all his films there and I love it. Thank you for the contribution.

Thank you.

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