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RE: Black Mirror (Season 6): Only two episodes maintain the original essence of the series / Black Mirror (Temporada 6): Solo dos episodios mantienen la esencia original de la serie

in Movies & TV Shows2 years ago

I have to agree that this season is departing from what made Black Mirror such a success in the first place. The first episode is by far the best with its view of a dystopian future where AI is used to make cheap TV out of ordinary people's lives without their 'consent'. The other sci fi episode was very disappointing and didn't make much sense and was almost like like a romantic drama not Black Mirror material at all. The werewolf episode was just embarrassing. Maybe it is time to call it a day on this ground breaking show.


The werewolf episode was interesting at the beginning, but that plot twist where the actress becomes the "werewolf" is one of the most nonsensical things I've seen this week.