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RE: "Oppenheimer" - A Historical Biopic that Falls Short of Nuclear Brilliance

in Movies & TV Shows2 years ago

Thanks for your comment. You make alot of unfounded/inaccurate comments and I would suggest you read up on your history.
The atomic bomb did not prevent the Korean war in the early 1950s or the war in Vietnam which started in the late 1940s (when its was a French colony) and then continued into the 1960s when the US invaded South Vietnam.
You repeat the myth that the bomb needed to be dropped to save US soldiers lives who would have died during an invasion of Japan. Absolutely not true. Japan was on the verge of surrender in 1945 its population was going hungry as was its army. When the Soviet Union attacked Japan's army in Manchuria during the early summer of 1945 it collapsed like a pack of cards.
A US invasion would have met similar success at a low cost in casualties.
The second myth you repeat is that the USSR would have invaded central Europe if the US did not have a nuclear bomb. Absolutely untrue once again. The Nazi invasion of 1941 killed 27 million Russians and left tens of thousands of villages, towns and cities destroyed. The USSR took 20 years to recover from the destruction of the German genocidal invasion. Moscow had no interest in invading central Europe its hands were full of rebuilding the USSR. NATO was formed in 1949 as an offensive alliance and the Warsaw Pact was created later in response to this US military alliance.
The Oppenheimer film is Hollywood's attempt to whitewash history.