Antes de proseguir quiero dejar en claro que lo descrito a continuación es netamente de mi opinión personal, una vez que las vi y podría estar sujeto a uno que otro spoiler, sólo con la finalidad de crear esa intriga sobre saber que hay en la película mas allá de lo escrito en este post.🧐
Hello!! How are you all today? I hope that very good! I send a big greeting to all the people of the present community, today, after being absent for a long time for different reasons, I come with great encouragement and I want to share with you a top of 3 films of the cult genre that I They attracted a lot of attention when I observed them, some of them emphasize in a certain way what can coexist inside people's minds, going from the crude to the most bizarre that one of their personified scenes can contain. Before continuing I want to make it clear that what is described below is clearly my personal opinion, once I saw them and could be subject to the occasional spoiler, only with the purpose of creating that intrigue about knowing what is in the movie more beyond what is written in this post.🧐
¿Qué es una película de culto?
Como pueden darse de cuenta, explicar el genero de culto es un tanto confuso, porque es como decir que sabemos de lo que trata pero aún así no se consigue un significado propio y exacto, sin embargo un punto muy muy característico recae en los temas sexuales, violencia, extravagancias o incluso, hasta temas tabú, acorde a como se logre apreciar.! 😜
What is a cult movie?
those who have ever heard about cult films but still wander between what it may mean, since its term is based on those cinematographic films that, although they do not have a specific genre within the catalog that we usually know, these have the peculiarity of being acclaimed by particular groups of viewers over time. They are usually maintained or characterized by being within a type of margin or "rules" within the cinematographic conventions, it is even very common that many (not all) of these films are not successful in box office sales.As you can see, explaining the genre of worship is somewhat confusing, because it is like saying that we know what it is about but still we do not get a proper and exact meaning, however a very very characteristic point falls on sexual issues , violence, extravagances or even taboo subjects, according to how it is appreciated.! 😜
1-THE WICKER MAN (1973-100 min)😉
"The Wicker Man" is a film based on the script by Anthony Shaffer based in fact on his own novel, it tells the story of how a police sergeant in Scotland receives a letter asking for help due to the disappearance of a girl on an island, which is totally isolated from anything. Once there, all the inhabitants of the island deny having met or seen the girl they refer to and even say with great conviction that she never existed. As the story progresses, the police officer realizes that something strange is definitely happening in that locality, since people's behavior is not normal, and in fact they behave as if they are doing some kind of ritual.
Esta cinta tiene la estética singular de los años 70, la cual encaja muy bien, ya que se trata de una historia un tanto enferma y que tiende a rozar la irracionalidad más absoluta, ya que hay una sensación a lo largo de la película como si lo que vemos no pudiese suceder realmente, pero si, Resulta que todo o la mayor parte de ella se encuentra impregnado de un cierto toque alucinador o imaginativo, por así decirlo, lo que lo hace fascinante, muy lineal con lo que se cuenta en dicha película. Considero personalmente que esto llega a ser un acierto hacia la audiencia por parte del director (Robin Hardy), apoyado en la excelente trama creada por un conocido dramaturgo como lo es Shaffer, en lo que nos introduce a todo lo ajo de un mundo enfermizo, reflejado en una sociedad llena de personajes inquietantes y de lo más peligrosos.
This film has the singular aesthetics of the 70s, which fits very well, since it is a somewhat sick story and that tends to border on the most absolute irrationality, since there is a feeling to the throughout the film as if what we see could not really happen, but yes, it turns out that all or most of it is impregnated with a certain hallucinatory or imaginative touch, so to speak, which makes it fascinating, very linear with what is told in said film. I personally consider that this becomes a success towards the audience by the director (Robin Hardy), supported by the excellent plot created by a well-known playwright such as Shaffer, in which he introduces us to everything in a sick world, reflected in a society full of disturbing and most dangerous characters.
Uno de los puntos mas notables de la película, y por ende uno de los más osados, es confrontar directamente la religión católica (la cual es viste en el papel del policía) con el sexo a puertas cerradas en una sociedad donde todo el mundo mantiene relaciones sexuales a diestra y siniestra, pero con un propósito, el cuál resulta bastante interesante y de hecho, le saber porque es una de las razones que les dejo de tarea al momento de ver la película (para aquellos que no la hayan visto). Sin embargo, la cinta posee dos escenas muy claras al respecto las cuáles pueden lograr una gran impresión al público, acorde a como lo vean según su criterio, dichas escenas por poner un tema general, ocurre en una taberna donde todos los clientes cantan una canción sobre la hija del anfitrión del sitio, ante el asombro del policía investigador, provocando así una escena un tanto desagradable, viniendo solo de una "canción", mientras que la segunda trata sobre un ritual de seducción muy característico que repito, tienen que presenciarlo.
One of the most notable points of the film, and therefore one of the most daring, is to directly confront the Catholic religion (which is dressed in the role of the policeman) with sex behind closed doors in a society where everyone maintains Sex left and right, but with a purpose, which is quite interesting and in fact, to know why it is one of the reasons that I leave them homework when watching the movie (for those who have not seen it). However, the film has two very clear scenes in this regard which can make a great impression on the public, according to how they see it according to their criteria, said scenes to put a general theme, takes place in a tavern where all customers sing a song about the daughter of the host of the site, to the astonishment of the investigating police officer, thus causing a somewhat unpleasant scene, coming only from a "song", while the second deals with a very characteristic seduction ritual that I repeat, they have to witness.
La falta de empatía y la sangre fría de Henry es lo que debería de conmocionar a los televidentes, pero esto no termina aquí, y es que "Henry" nos deja más atónitos, que preocupados.
Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer is a clean and simple film about a predator who represents his sadism, this film, which tells the story of the mass murderer Henry Lee Lucas, in a somewhat psychotic way. John McNaughton, the director of the film, is not trying to immerse us in Henry's thought processes, but rather trying to get us to observe a kind of cruelty from the outside, in another perspective.
Henry's lack of empathy and cold blood is what should shock viewers, but this does not end here, and is that "Henry" leaves us more astonished, than concerned.
Henry es un hombre, casi desprovisto de sentimientos humanos normales, considerado como una bestia, una máquina hecha para matar y no sentir remordimiento alguno por eso, gran parte de la acción de la película tiene lugar en una parte oscura de Chicago, en un apartamento destartalado que Henry comparte con su amigo narcotraficante Otis y su hermana Becky. En la mayoría de los detalles, se nota bastante que se trata de una película de bajo presupuesto que quiere ser lanzada de forma limitada.
Henry is a man, almost devoid of normal human feelings, considered as a beast, a machine made to kill and feel no remorse for that, much of the action of the film takes place in a dark part of Chicago, in an apartment ramshackle that Henry shares with his drug dealer friend Otis and his sister Becky. In most details, it is quite noticeable that this is a low-budget film that wants to be released on a limited basis.
En este contexto, es difícil saber cómo responder a una escena como aquella en la que Henry y Otis torturan a una ama de casa de los suburbios frente a su marido, le rompen el cuello a su hijo y luego la matan, ver este tipo de escenas, que los asesinos grabaron en video y reprodujeron una y otra vez, se siente como si estuviéramos siendo arrastrados hacia algo que no esperábamos ver (una película snuff).
There is a kind of grotesque horror in these scenes and it infiltrates his system more and more, in one scene, he looks in the mirror and there is absolutely nothing in his eyes, you just see the emptiness of his soul so to speak However, Henry's emptiness seems like an artistic convenience or, worse, an escape ... we won't know for sure.
Existe un tipo de horror grotesco en estas escenas y se infiltra cada vez más en su sistema, en una escena, él se mira en el espejo y no hay absolutamente nada en sus ojos, tan solo se ve el vacío de su alma por así decirlo, sin embargo el vacío de Henry parece una conveniencia artística o, peor aún, una evasión.... no lo sabremos con certeza.
In this context, it is difficult to know how to respond to a scene like the one where Henry and Otis torture a suburban housewife in front of her husband, break her son's neck and then kill her, to see this kind of scenes, which the killers videotaped and replayed over and over again, feels like we're being pulled into something we didn't expect to see (a snuff movie).
3- The Texas Chain Saw Massacre (1974-90 min)😉
Estando dentro de la camioneta, este empezó a hacer cosas raras, entre las cuáles primero se cortó la palma con un cuchillo, luego le sacó una foto a Frank y, ofendido por no haberle sacado esta foto, la quemó, casi prendiendo un incendio en la camioneta, fue entonces cuando finalmente, sacó su navaja, y cortó la mano de Franklin, con lo cual Kirk logra sacar a este tipo del auto.
Después de un rato, pasan por una gasolinera para repostar, el dueño de una de las gasolineras de aspecto agradable se les acerca y les dice que las gasolineras están vacías, con lo cuál toman la decisión de seguir adelante, llegando finalmente a la casa donde vivía su abuelo.
This film has become a kind of culture within the genre, as it represents a true story, that is, based on real events, and it all begins when the police and the residents of Texas have been concerned for a long time about the looting of the tombs sponsored by vandals. At the same time, five young people travel in a family van, Sally with her disabled brother Franklin (in a wheelchair) and with her friends Jerry, Pam and Kirk, they embarked on this journey to make sure that the vandals had not destroyed the Grave of Sally and Frank's grandparents, they also took the brilliant idea of going through the old house where their grandfather lived, later on the road, they pick up a strange guy who asked to be taken home, without thinking what it was coming.While inside the truck, it began to do strange things, among which first he cut his palm with a knife, then he took a photo of Frank and, offended by not having taken this photo, burned it, almost setting a fire in the truck, that's when he finally took out his knife, and cut Franklin's hand, with which Kirk manages to get this guy out of the car.
After a while, they go through a gas station to refuel, the owner of one of the nice-looking gas stations approaches them and tells them that the gas stations are empty, with which they make the decision to move on, finally arriving at the house where his grandfather lived.

A medida en que avanza la trama van ocurriendo los asesinatos de cada uno de los amigos de Sally, algunos desaparecen de la nada, sin dejar rastro, hasta que preocupados por la larga ausencia de los demás, los siguen al interior de la casa, pero en medio del bosque, un maníaco armado con una motosierra mata a Frank, con lo cuál Sally se aterra ante lo sucedido y escapa, terminando de esta en una gasolinera.... si, la que habían pasado justo antes de llegar a la casa, pero allí conoce al dueño de la gasolinera, quien después de golpearla, la lleva a la casa desafortunadamente.
Es aquí cuando Sally ve a toda la familia que está en esa casa: Leatherface (el maníaco con máscara), un desquiciado (el sujeto que fue recogido en la camioneta), el dueño de la gasolinera quien la trajo de vuelta (un hermano mayor de Leatherface) y un abuelo apenas vivo/muerto.... (literalmente)
As the plot progresses, the murders of each of Sally's friends occur, some disappear out of nowhere, without leaving a trace, until, worried about the long absence of the others, they follow them inside the house, but In the middle of the forest, a maniac armed with a chainsaw kills Frank, with which Sally is terrified by what happened and escapes, ending up at a gas station ... yes, the one they had passed just before arriving at the house , but there she meets the owner of the gas station, who after hitting her, takes her to the house unfortunately.It is here when Sally sees the whole family that is in that house: Leatherface (the maniac with a mask), a deranged (the guy who was picked up in the truck), the owner of the gas station who brought her back (an older brother Leatherface) and a barely alive / dead grandfather ... (literally)
Cabe destacar que esta es la primera cinta de la franquicia de la masacre de Texas, posteriormente unos años después comenzó lo que seria el inicio de la saga, llegándose a consolidar como una de las mejores secuelas dentro del género, denota mucho la violencia, asesinatos, sufrimiento y mucha pero mucha desesperación, pues las víctimas caen en un juego mortal por sobrevivir, y claramente no todas corren con esa suerte.
It should be noted that this is the first tape of the Texas massacre franchise, later a few years later what would be the beginning of the saga began, becoming consolidated as one of the best sequels within the genre, it denotes a lot of violence, murders , suffering and much, much despair, as the victims fall into a deadly game to survive, and clearly not all run with that luck.
Y bueno mi querida comunidad, este es mi aporte del día, la verdad me gustó mucho volver a realizar un top sobre películas que considero interesantes, cada una con su toque único que las caracteriza, se que hay muchísimas más de muchos más géneros dentro de lo culto, pero espero próximamente estar subiendo una segunda parte de recomendación sobre este género para seguir interactuando con ustedes, y como siempre, si tienen alguna sugerencia, encantado de leerlas! Un fuerte abrazo para todos!!❤️❤️❤️
Well my dear community, this is my contribution of the day, the truth is I really liked making a top about films that I consider interesting, each with its unique touch that characterizes them, I know that there are many more of many more genres within I worship you, but I hope to be uploading a second part of recommendation on this genre soon to continue interacting with you, and as always, if you have any suggestions, happy to read them! A big hug for everyone!!❤️❤️❤️
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La Masacre de Texas una masterpiece. Me encanta ese film.
Henry Retrato de un Asesino la busque en el videoclub, deseaba verla , pero en ese tiempo era difícil encontrarla. Excelente Michael Rooker interpretando a Henry.