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RE: Tick, Tick... Boom! | Review [Eng-Esp].


Mi hermano me recomendó esta película hace mucho tiempo, me dijo que era una excelente obra de Lin-Manuel Miranda. Este director cinematográfico trabajó como actor en His Dark Materials, ¿has visto la serie? Es una de mis favoritas.

Tick tick boom! Me gustó muchísimo, sobre todo por el espíritu soñador de Jonathan Larson, el cuál enfrentó mucho para que su musical pudiera cobrar vida. Lastimosamente, murió prematuramente pero sus sueños, tal cual como lo dices tu, se materializaron. Es un hermoso ejemplo de constancia, voluntad y dedicación... nada alejado de todos los que anhelamos alcanzar el éxito algun día.

Mi hermano esperó que Andrew Garfield ganara el Óscar, yo no lo creí... pensé que era Benedict Cumberbatch... al final terminó siendo Will Smith Lol.


My brother recommended this movie to me a long time ago, he told me it was an excellent work by Lin-Manuel Miranda. This film director worked as an actor in His Dark Materials, have you seen the series? It is one of my favorites.

Tick tick boom! I really liked it, especially for the dreamy spirit of Jonathan Larson, who faced a lot so that his musical could come to life. Unfortunately, he died prematurely but his dreams, just as you say, materialized. It is a beautiful example of perseverance, will and dedication... nothing far from all of us who yearn to achieve success one day.

My brother hoped that Andrew Garfield would win the Oscar, I didn't believe him... I thought it was Benedict Cumberbatch... in the end it ended up being Will Smith Lol.

 2 years ago (edited) 

Hello my friend, I completely agree with you, Larson was an example of perseverance and confidence in his talent, because he never gave up, despite his adversities. I always think about what other great works he would have left us if I had not died prematurely.

About Miranda, yes I've seen him in His Dark Materials, I believe he is a great artist, I don't know if you've seen Hamilton, if I don't recommend it so much, of course if you like musicals, it's excellent.

I also thought Garfield was going to win and I was too disappointed that he didn't ☹️

Thanks friend for stopping by and commenting ❤️