Top 10 Sword and Sorcery Cult Movies Everyone Should Watch

The Sword and Sorcery sub-genre of action-adventure movies used to be super popular in the 1980s, generally within the B-grade areas of the industry, which kind of boggles the mind why they aren’t more popular now, because these sorts of movies have to rely, at least in some respect, on special effects, whether it's prosthetics or vfx. Anyway, what follows is a list of ten sword and sorcery movies with various degrees of mainstream awareness that I think everyone should watch or at the very least background-watch.


Do you post on lbry yet? I've been making myself go there before youtube lately.

Nah, I've been building my channel and followers through YouTube and now Patreon, I don't have the mental bandwith/time to deal with another platform.