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I've wanted to review this film for a long time but I haven't done it out of laziness, but here I am, I've finally dignified myself after having seen this film again a few days ago. I could easily say that it is one of my favourite films, one of those that I can watch over and over again without feeling bored, it is that film that out of nowhere, out of the blue, I want to see. No matter how many times I've seen it, each re-watch is like enjoying this splendid adventure like the first time. Makoto Shinkai's direction is quite astonishing, he manages to tell a story in a way that is quite unique and entertaining for the viewer. Before this film I had never seen a work made by him, maybe someday I will take the trouble to see the others, his way of doing things seems very interesting to me, plus I saw that he puts references of his past films in the new ones (according to things I saw on the Internet), for me that's something that attracts a lot of attention. But well, without further ado, let's start with the review.
He querido hacerle durante mucho tiempo una reseña a esta película pero no lo he hecho por simple pereza, pero heme aquí, al fin me he dignificado después de haberme visto esta obra otra vez hace unos cuantos días. Podría decir con facilidad que es una de mis películas favoritas, de aquellas que puedo ver una y otra vez sin sentir aburrimiento, es esa película que de la nada, sin venir a cuento se me antoja ver. No importa las veces que la haya visto, cada revisionado es como si disfrutara esta espléndida aventura como la primera vez. Es bastante sorprendente la dirección de Makoto Shinkai, que consigue narrar una historia de una forma bastante particular y entretenida para el espectador. Antes de esta película nunca había presenciado una obra hecha por él, quizás algún día me tome la molestia de verme las demás, su forma de hacer las cosas me parece muy interesante, además vi que mete referencias de sus películas pasadas en las nuevas (según cosas que vi en Internet), para mí eso es algo que llama bastante la atención. Pero bueno, sin más dilación comencemos con la reseña.
The story narrates the union between two characters who go from not knowing each other at all to loving each other, a fact that is triggered on the basis of the changes of bodies that occur when the two go to sleep, when each one wakes up in the body of his or her counterpart. The way in which these events are narrated is quite curious, with an emphasis on music, using "openings" (it is unusual for a work of this style to have them) that separate the "chapters" from everything we are about to see. Specifically, there are three chapters, which you may now be able to identify when you watch the film again, based on when the iconic songs are played. Surprisingly, in the end, Makoto Shinkai manages to tell an adventure that is suitable for everyone, whether they watch anime or not, and from the beginning it is clear that he is trying to reach as many people as possible. Perhaps this is the reason for its acclaimed success in 2016.
La historia nos narra la unión entre dos personajes que pasan de no conocerse de nada a amarse entre sí, hecho que se desencadena en base a los cambios de cuerpos que ocurren cuando los dos se van a dormir, cuando al despertar cada uno se encuentra en el cuerpo de su contraparte. La forma de narrar estos sucesos es bastante curiosa haciendo énfasis en la música, usando "openings" (no es muy usual que una obra de este estilo los tenga) que separan los "capítulos" de todo lo que estamos por ver. En específico son tres capítulos, que quizás ahora sepas identificar cuando vuelvas a ver la película, basándote en el momento que se reproducen las tan icónicas canciones. Sorprende todo esto ya que al final, Makoto Shinkai logra contar una aventura apta para todas las personas, así sea que vean animes o no, desde un principio se nota que trata de llegar a la mayor cantidad de gente posible. Quizás ésta sea la razón de su tan aclamado éxito en el 2016.
As soon as we start we see an introduction with the Yumetourou theme from RADWIMPS, which is designed to generate expectations for what the viewer is about to see, and marking the beginning of what would become chapter 1. Throughout this part we are introduced to the characters that will accompany us for all the events that will happen next. But something more important, and something we should pay attention to, is that we are taught the importance of the threads in an almost superficial way, which just at the beginning does not seem to have any relevance whatsoever. Another important part is the ritual that Mitsuha and her sister perform, and what she wishes for right after finishing it. A wish that seems to be fulfilled immediately after its completion because, as you will have seen, changes occur with a boy with the characteristics she came to provide. This chapter focuses on the discovery of the body swapping between Mitsuha and Taki, and the repercussions that come with it, and ends with the discovery of what we already knew beforehand, that they switch places in their sleep.
Apenas comenzar vemos una introducción con el tema Yumetourou de RADWIMPS, que está diseñada para generarle expectativas al espectador por lo que está apunto de visualizar, y marcando el inicio de lo que sería el capítulo 1. Durante toda esta parte se nos presentarán los personajes que nos acompañarán para todos los acontecimientos que pasarán a continuación. Pero algo más importante y a lo que deberemos prestar atención es que se nos enseña la importancia de los hilos de una forma casi superficial, que apenas comenzando no parece tener relevancia alguna. Otra parte de suma importancia es el ritual que realizan Mitsuha y su hermana, y lo que ella desea justo después de terminarlo. Deseo que parece cumplirse de forma inmediata después de su realización porque como ya habrán llegado a ver, acontecen cambios con un chico con las características que ella llegó a proporcionar. Este capítulo se centra en el descubrimiento de los cambios de cuerpo entre Mitsuha y Taki, además de las repercusiones que conllevan y finaliza con el descubrimiento de lo que nosotros ya sabíamos de antemano, que cambian de lugar mientras duermen.
For the beginning of the second chapter, an opening with the song Zen Zen Zense by RADWIMPS is used. The protagonists already know their condition and impose rules for a healthy coexistence, but what stands out the most is that now everything falls on Taki, all the protagonism is for him. During this part we are introduced to the concept of Musubi, which is quite important as it is used in legends as the red thread of destiny, also representing the union through the braiding of the threads, how they tangle and twist, everything that can unite us or show union with other people, such as eating or drinking something together counts as Musubi. Even the precious moment we can see when the characters meet together at sunset, which is considered by the Japanese as the golden hour, where everything supernatural becomes visible counts as Musubi. Everything that happens in this chapter is deducible thanks to the clues that were given to us in the first chapter, making it possible to know that Mitsuha is dead long before Taki knows it. It is also possible to know that the protagonists have a connection because of the bracelet that Taki brings with him.
Para el comienzo del segundo capítulo se utiliza un "opening" con la canción Zen Zen Zense de RADWIMPS. Los protagonistas ya conocen su condición de se imponen reglas para una sana convivencia, pero lo que más destaca es que ahora todo recae en Taki, todo el protagonismo es para él. Durante esta parte se nos presenta el concepto del Musubi, que bastante importante ya que es utilizado en leyendas como el hilo rojo del destino, representando también la unión mediante el trenzado de los hilos, cómo se enredan y se retuercen, todo lo que nos pueda llegar a unir o demostrar unión con otras personas, como comer o beber algo juntos cuenta como Musubi. Hasta el precioso momento que podemos ver cuando los personajes se encuentran junto en el ocaso, que es considerado por los japoneses como la hora dorada, donde todo lo sobrenatural se hace visible cuenta como Musubi. Todo lo que ocurre en este capítulo es deducible gracias a las pistas que se nos fueron otorgadas en el primer capítulo, haciendo posible saber que Mitsuha está muerta desde mucho antes que Taki lo sepa. También se puede saber que los protagonistas tienen una conexión debido a la pulsera que Taki trae consigo.
Before the beginning of the last and third chapter of this film, there is an interlude, which is the conversation between Mitsuha and Taki as they meet in the sunset, after which the highly acclaimed SPARKLE by RADWIMPS begins to play when Taki forgets Mitsuha's name. This whole part focuses mainly on the salvation of Itomori village and the long-awaited survival of the characters there. Upon achieving the long-awaited goal, we get to see how they have all grown up and found themselves in the city of Tokyo. We also get to see the suffering between Taki and Mitsuha, who are separated in their union and find themselves with an emptiness, always searching for something, or in search of a person. In my belief, the film could easily have two endings, one where they never meet or the ending we all know, which was perhaps chosen for the final satisfaction of the audience who would have already grown tremendously fond of the main characters. As an epilogue, before the meeting we can see another "opening" or perhaps more of an "ending" where Taki and Mitsuha try to find each other while Nandemonaiya by RADWIMPS plays in the background, to consummate the special moment.
Antes de comenzar el último y tercer capítulo de esta película ocurre un interludio, que es la conversación que tienen Mitsuha y Taki al encontrarse en el ocaso, comenzando después a sonar la tan aclamada SPARKLE de RADWIMPS cuando Taki olvida el nombre de Mitsuha. Toda esta parte se centra principalmente en la salvación del pueblo de Itomori y la tan esperada supervivencia de los personajes que allí se encuentran. Al conseguir el tan esperado objetivo, podemos llegar a ver cómo todos han crecido y se encuentran en la ciudad de Tokio. Además podemos observar el sufrimiento entre Taki y Mitsuha, quienes al verse separados en su unión se encuentran con un vacío, siempre buscando algo, u en búsqueda de una persona. En mi creencia, la película fácilmente puede tener dos finales, uno donde ellos nunca se encuentran o el final que ya todos conocemos, que éste quizás fue elegido para la satisfacción final del público quienes ya le habrían agarrado un cariño tremendo a los personajes principales. A modo de epílogo, antes del encuentro podemos ver otro "opening" o quizás más un "ending" donde Taki y Mitsuha tratan de encontrarse el uno al otro mientras suena Nandemonaiya de RADWIMPS de fondo, para consumar el momento especial.
In conclusion, we are in front of a very well elaborated work that manages to narrate a story in a way that is pleasant, for all the people that could see it, being that even I showed it to my parents and they liked it. The animation is quite spectacular, based on real places to recreate the scenarios that we see on screen, leaving shots that are very beautiful due to the quality that they have, we must not forget to mention the impressive soundtrack that accompanies the whole adventure, highlighting all the themes made by RADWIMPS that are quite catchy and touching, also with good lyrics that go according to what is happening. It is a film that can be used to watch as a couple or as a family easily, highly recommended.
En conclusión, estamos ante una obra muy bien elaborada que consigue narrar una historia de una forma que es agradable, para todas las personas que la pudieran llegarla a ver, siendo que hasta yo se las mostré a mis padres y les llegó a gustar. La animación es bastante espectacular, basándose en lugares reales para recrear los escenarios que vemos en pantalla, dejando planos que son muy hermosos debido a la calidad que los mismos poseen, no hay que olvidar mencionar la impresionante banda sonora que acompaña toda la aventura, destacando todos los temas hechos por RADWIMPS que son bastante pegadizos y conmovedores, contando también con una buenas letras que van acorde con lo que está sucediendo. Es una película que puede ser usada para ver en pareja o en familia fácilmente, ampliamente recomendada.
Same problem due to laziness i also delaying my 1st review post.that i already completed.
You give good discription about that movie.
Thank you for your comment. Laziness is my worst enemy and I think everyone's too, hahaha.
A really good review, I love the way you describe the elements that work together and resonate to keep the story moving. Now you've given me a reason to rewatch the movie 😅
You should do it! Watching the same film many times makes you appreciate it more, and you will also start to notice the details that the author wanted to convey.
The screenshots are not your own. Some anime studios are serious enough to sue you over images. Or report abuse at least. Better mention they are from the movie.
I took the screenshots, so they are mine but obviously all rights are owned by the animation studio, dude. Also I can't get sued because I'm doing fair use, you can look into that. Moreover, it clearly states screenshots from the film.
P.D: What I mean is that I didn't take the images from other sites, I made the screenshots myself.
I know what you mean, but I've seen anime studios reporting facebook profiles for using screenshots in their review posts. They are not very nice. Film studios do not care much on the other hand.
I'm not bothered here personally, if not slightly amused.
I've seen these cases happen when they post screenshots of films that haven't yet come out on Blu-Ray and are still in cinemas, they do it so people don't get spoilers and don't want to go and see the film. Your Name has been out for years, I don't think there are any problems.
Hello I was going through different communities (I'm new xD), and I called my attention to your post for being a movie that I loved, I saw it twice and in 1080p. The animation, the story are amazing, plus the soundtrack that for a long time I had it as a ringtone for quite some time hahahahahah. There is also like a kind of sequel called "In Time with You", I recommend it to me I liked it a lot. Good post <3
I've been waiting for the sequel for a long time, I'll have to see it one day. Although if I'm honest I would do it to see the appearances of the main characters of this film. I think it's too little that you've only seen Your Name twice, you should see it more.
P.D: Welcome to HIVE!
Oh, thanks for the pizza!