Surely everyone is familiar with ponzi schemes that are very detrimental to investors and are often used as a tool for money laundry. More than that, have you ever imagined a giant company that turns out to be a ponzi scheme not only wants to control a country to be under its control, but also used as a shield for a lot of criminal practices that target all groups, even children? This horrible thing is the basis of the story of a Korean drama that I recently watched. Although there is a statement, that all the stories, places, characters, and all the elements of the drama are purely fictional, but, I also believe, that a fiction departs from a reality which is then embellished and disguised so as not to cause polemics. Especially about Ponzi schemes. That's why I'm happy to finish the drama series that aired since May 2023.


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The story revolves around Lee Ro-Eum (Chun Woo-Hee), a woman who lives her life in detention for ten years because she was slandered for killing her parents. Lee Ro-Eum has the gift of eidetic memory and this genius becomes a prisoner who is known as a psychopath and feared by his fellow prisoners. Lee Ro-Eum, Ringgo, Na-sa, and Da Jung are a group of teenagers raised by the Jeokmok Foundation. A foundation that collects children with certain talents to be used as tools of crime.

After serving ten years of detention, Ro-Eum was finally released. The first plan that Ro-Eum wants to do after her free day is to organise a plan to find the original killer of her parents and take revenge for her parents.

Jeokmok Foundation is a foundation that is funded by a ponzi scheme company called Navis Welfare. Nasa (Yoo Hee-Je) who is an expert in assembling weapons, Da-Jung (Lee-Yeon) as a teenage hacker specialist, and Ringgo (Hong Seung_bum) a polyglot specialist (A person who knows many languages and can speak them like a native). All the former teenagers who were raised and abused by the Jeokmok Foundation unite for revenge. No one is funding them except from Lee Ro-Eum who is good at scamming in casinos.



However, on the way to devise a plan, Lee Ro-Eum meets a flat-faced and seemingly unfriendly lawyer named Han Moo-Yeong (Kim Dong-Wook) who later Moo-Yeong will be intensely involved with Ro-Eum as his lawyer and client.

The story starts to get interesting, when Moo-Yeong chooses Ro-Eum as his client when many other lawyers do not want to handle psychopathic clients. Han Moo-Yeong suffers from a hyperempathy disease that makes him easily pity clients who he thinks need to be helped. Therefore, Moo-Yeong chooses the apathetic Ro-Eum.

Lee Ro-Eum's plan to take revenge and find the mastermind called "Chairman (sajang)" along with his gang had a stumbling block because it was constantly observed by a policeman who served as a supervisor of prisoners on probation named Go Yo-Han played by Yoon-Park.

However, it turns out that all the characters mentioned above have the same common thread and reason to expose the crimes of the Navis Welfare company. Finally, Lee Ro-eum's gang has the full support of Han Moo-Yeong, Go Yo-Han, and three other important characters (psychiatrist Mo Jae-In, Prosecutor Ryu, and journalist from Moran Daily).


  • Han Moo-Yeong (Kim Dong-Wook).


As a meticulous and intelligent hyper-empathetic lawyer, Han Moo-Yeong has undergone significant character development. Although personally, Moo-Yeong is portrayed as a lawyer with minimal facial expressions, Moo-Yeong's character later manoeuvres from an opponent to an ally of the Jeokmok Foundation's gang of child victims.

Kim Dong-Wook has always been good at taking on the characters he chooses in his drama and film projects. That's why, Han Moo-Yeong's role here also makes viewers like me feel proud of this Hyperempathy lawyer.

  • Lee Ro-Eum (Chun Woo-Hee)



Unlike Han Moo-Yeong who has a hyperempathetic character, Lee Ro-Eum has an apathetic character. This is of course none other than because of the character that was deliberately built by the Jeokmok Foundation. Because of her advantage as an eidetic memory, Ro-Eum tends to be more agile and becomes a leader and planner for her gang in an effort to subvert Navis Welfare and expose the dark side of the Jeokmok Foundation.

Chun Woo-Hee has a cold type of face, which suits Lee Ro-Eum perfectly. Actually, I didn't expect that the real age of the artist Chun Woo-Hee is above 30, she played a female character in the quarter life crisis phase and there was no awkwardness or awkwardness at all.

  • Go Yo-Han (Yoon Park)

I deliberately skipped three of Jeokmok's other children, and will explore the unique role of the police officer in charge of supervising ex-convicts on probation, Go Yo-Han, played by handsome actor Yoon-Park.

Although it seems trivial, the role of Go Yo-Han's character wants to be included which turns out to be crucial in the course of the story in this drama. With Yo-Han's character, the audience finally finds a thin thread that connects all cases to the downfall of Navis Well-being.

Yoon-Park is an actor who often gets the role of second lead but is important. From several dramas such as Intriverted Boss, Yoon-Park also got a very good second lead role.


Delightfully Deceiful is certainly an interesting watch because it can simultaneously educate people about the dangers of the ponzi pyramid system that is increasingly widespread. Not everyone fully understands how the harmful ponzi system works, so Delighfully Deceiful is a solid and thrilling watch.

The crimes committed by the perpetrators of ponzi schemes can have a devastating impact on moral and financial losses, even to the extent of deliberately taking one's life, or triggering suicides of desperate victims.


I highly recommend this drama to watch, If you are a teenager who is not old enough, I hope that you watch it with the supervision or guidance of an older person, because there are many violent scenes that might be a trigger.

So, if you've been wondering what to watch this week, Delightfully Deceiful should be on your watch list.
Thanks for following my review and happy watching!


From your description, it seems like a very interesting drama. I'll surely check it out.

You must including this drama to your watching list. Thank you for interest with my work.