MOXIE: A Group of Rebel Girls or Self-empowered Women??? [may contain some minor spoilers] + Let's Talk about Our "Rebellious" Moments

in Movies & TV Shows4 years ago

Hey friends~! It's Shei here and this time, let's talk about a movie called "MOXIE".

A few days ago, mama was watching something on Netflix and when I asked her what it was she answered, "Moxie". I asked her what she thinks about it so far (since she was still in the middle of watching it that time), and she said that it's something that I would like.

Actually, I have already added this movie on my list because the plot was interesting for me... and when my mama suggested I watch it, I did. Well, it wasn't exactly on that day or night did I watch it. I just watched it yesterday because I became busy with cleaning and other stuff. Anyway, let's start!

What Is MOXIE?


MOXiE! is a comedy-drama film which was originally from a novel written by Jennifer Mathieu.


The movie is about a teenage girl named Vivian. She was pretty normal and was among those students who didn't want to stand out. As much as possible, she wants to ignore everything that could create problems or complications.

Despite this personality of hers, I think she was pretty observant. She's aware that a lot of things are happening, but she chose not to get involved.


Then here comes a transfer student named Lucy. She was very free and outspoken despite the criticisms she received from people around her. She's somehow the opposite of Vivian. When Vivian told her to just keep her head down and ignore everything, she replied she'd keep her head up... HIGH!


In the trailer above, you might have noticed a scene where Lucy wanted to report somebody from the school who was harassing her to the principal, but the principal said "harass" is a huge word... and wanted to call it "bothering", instead.

When I saw that part, I was so pissed! I thought, "WHAT THE FVCK IS WRONG WITH HER?" and then I realized... yep, she must be working for someone with power and didn't want scandals to get out in public.

There was a huge problem in there school. They have this annual ranking which are awfully perverted and sexist to women... like who got the biggest ass or boobies and stuff like that. Of course, people would be pretty uncomfortable with that, but the school was turning a blind eye on these things.

Things got really bad and out of hand when our girl Vivian decided to create a magazine which she called "MOXiE!"


The release of this MOXiE magazine in there campus started a revolution among girls and it was awesome! Vivian did it anonymously, though. Please watch to see how this magazine stirred a revolution in their school. <3

What Do You Think About The Film?


Story-wise, it was pretty interesting. These kinds of things happen in real life. It doesn't only happen at school but even at work. It portrays gender discrimination or sexism especially towards women. It's sad, but we can't deny the fact that such things exist.

Even if the film focused on discrimination against women, we can liken it to discrimination against the minority groups. Anywhere we are, there'll always be a standard. I personally hate that. Societal standards yield pressure to people... and create chances for some to bully others.


Also, I love the soundtrack of this movie! Rebel girl is lit. It's so catchy and it fits the movie so well.

For me MOXiE! is an inspirational film. It encourages people, not only women, to stand for their rights. People are not objects... we have a mind of our own, so we have the ability to think and to understand.

I know it's difficult, but I hope to live in a place where everyone is equal. A place where everyone is given a chance to speak their voice and be heard. Of course, it'll be a place where everything doesn't just end in words.

Am I A Rebel Girl?

Well, I'm not a hundred percent girl... and I don't think I'm a rebel. I'm just someone who speaks my mind most of the time... and sometimes get into trouble because of it. Let me tell you a couple instances.

  • One teacher from high school didn't like me and some of my classmates, so we skipped her class.

When I was a freshman in high school, our batch was divided into two classes. Since there were only two classes, we often competed against each other. When we became second year students, we were merged into one class because a lot of students dropped out or went to another school.

Our English teacher that time was the adviser of the other class when we were in our first year. She was so obvious with her favorites and I didn't like it. I just didn't mind at first, but there was a time when she taught us something... but I was a hundred percent sure she was wrong. I gathered info on the topic before I told her about it after one of our classes. Maybe it was her pride, but she started targeting me from that time on.

I always feel her sarcasm... and so I fought her back with sarcasm as well. It wasn't just me... she usually targets students from my previous class and gives special attention to her previous advisory.

I know it wasn't good since she's a teacher... but she didn't really deserve all the respect. I skipped her class a couple of times with a friend and just stayed in the Biology lab pretending to do something. When she threatened to give me low grades for skipping, I just laughed... because I actually had the highest grades in our batch, even in her class.

One day, everything just changed. She suddenly became friendly and treated everyone in class equally. I and my previous classmates were surprised and we heard that she was reprimanded for having favoritism and unfair treatment of students. I transferred to another school in the middle of my third year, so I don't know what happened then.

  • I almost got in trouble for speaking my mind

I and my parents were in bus and van terminal once. It's a public place, so of course, smoking isn't allowed. I don't like smoke at all and secondhand smoking is really bad for our health.

While waiting for our ride, someone sitting beside us suddenly took out his cigarette and lit it. And since it's a public place, I told him... "Excuse me... it's a public space, so can you not smoke please?" and he started getting angry by saying "Who are you to tell me that?" And I retaliated... "I'm a citizen who knows the rule that you're not allowed to smoke here."

Before he could answer, a security guard came and told him off and directed him to an area where he could smoke. Before he went out, he stared angrily at me. Mama and papa told me I should be careful with my mouth next time especially when I'm alone... but told me I also did the right thing. We even joked that if ever I join politics, I'd die quickly... hahaha

That's it for this post... How about you? Have you ever done something which you consider rebellious? It could be good or bad... share it in the comments below. ^^

Thanks a lot for checking this out... if you have watched "MOXiE!", please tell me your thoughts about it as well.

See you next time~!!!! (^_^)/


Thank you for the review. Hollywood is getting insane churning out WOKE movies like these for a few years now. A few good but most are darn bad..

You're welcome sir... ^^ This one isn't that bad... :)
Maybe because the concept is in a particular field... other movies can be too general and impulsive that it's kind of difficult to understand what the message of the movie really is.