I was browsing my Netflix when I stumbled upon an interesting thumbnail and played part of the trailer which made me decide to actually watch it. It's said to be a Sci-Fi slasher movie, so I gave it a go. It's called TIME CUT.

The movie is about Lucy, a high school senior who recently got an internship at NASA. It was set 20 years after her sister, then a high schooler, was killed by an unknown serial killer.

On the day of her sister's death anniversary, she accidentally traveled back in time, to the exact day the first murders were committed. Now her dilemma is whether to change the past and save the sister she never met and alter the future or save herself and travel back to the present allowing the flow of time to be consistent.
Above is the official trailer of the said movie.
I actually like the flow of the story as well as the infusion of Sci-Fi into a slasher film. Well, I enjoyed the scientific discussions or the Sci-Fi aspect of the movie, but the slasher one... not very much. I guess it wasn't as exciting as I expected.
Despite that, I still enjoyed the movie. It was nostalgic in a way because of the setting.

I was a high schooler in the 2000s, so I could relate to the trends in fashion and gadgets shown in the movie. Even the songs they used in the soundtrack are the stuff I used to listen to... well, I still do listen to them now.
It made me wonder how the Gen Z main character felt when she saw how the Millenials dressed and what sort of stuff they did back in the day. hahaha Seeing how she struggled with the slow internet and the noise the modems back then made was hilarious. I guess my younger cousins would probably feel the same. xD

Honestly, it was more of a feel-good movie for me. Maybe because of the nostalgia and some heartwarming scenes... well, the drama inserted in the movie was also good. Only the thrill from the supposed-to-be slasher film was lacking.
In the end, it was still a good watch. I don't necessarily recommend it, but if you have some spare time, you can also give this a shot. Just don't expect too much... hahah
Thanks for reading and see you around! (^^,)/
Thanks for voting me.I love your write up.well done