Our earth is so peaceful. Daily life is so wonderful . The government is taking care of the people nicely. But everything is seem to be perfect , the future of us come and told that human being will disappear because the alien will kill all the human . The only hope they have is to ask help from the past to fight the war in the future.
This is the story of the tomorrow war, where the future of them come and ask the present to fight that war together. Christ Pat or Dan Forester is the main actor in the story . He is a former solider that been send in the mission in the future . The sad thing , they not just send solder but civilian who near to die to fight the war. In the future , they fight the alien that called white spike. Many of them die and not survive.
In the future , Dan meet his daughter as the colonel and the head of R force , the research team . Along with his father they fight the alien , catch the female alien to fight bio-weapon that can kill it. Too bad , at the end of future she die and all the facilities has destroy. There is no hope for the future , but Dan manage to go back at the past and bring those bio-technology that can kill the female alien.
With those hope , he and his troop fight and locate the alien to prevent it to come from earth. It was happy ending . In my opinion , the storyline is almost the same to The great wall that i have review before this , where they need to kill the female host , but in futuristic way.
My rating :
Storyline : 8/10
Action ' 8/10
Quality : 10/10
Overall : 7/10
I expect more action and twist . The quality is good , and it is a waste if the storyline is not enough , but i recommend you to watch the movie.
THE TOMORROW WAR | Final Trailer
Credit : Amazon Prime Video
yo también esperaba mas acción
omg.. yeahh at least.. haha